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摘  要:CVT变速器中壳体吊机是利用单个立柱和回转臂来起吊货物的一种起吊设备。CVT变速器中壳体吊机的立柱下端一般固定在混凝土的基础上,回转臂可以根据客户的需要来进行旋转。CVT变速器中壳体吊机是利用单个立柱和回转臂来起吊货物的一种起吊设备。CVT变速器中壳体吊机的立柱下端一般固定在混凝土的基础上,回转臂可以根据客户的需要来进行旋转。CVT变速器中壳体吊机结构简单,操纵方便,作业空间大,广泛的用于各种厂矿车间的生产线上和装配线上,是一种节能高效的物料吊装设备。近年来,随着我国实力的不断进步,各行各业都有了巨大的发展,在港口运输方面,以CVT变速器中壳体吊机为主要工作单位的运输机械占据的地位也越来越重要,而其中的回转部分的设计也越来越受到人们的关注,回转部分的好坏,对其总体性能的影响是不言而喻的,因此,有必要对其回转机构的设计进行一次探讨。本文以CVT变速器中壳体吊机为例,叙述了式CVT变速器中壳体吊机总体设计的一般过程,并对其回转机构进行了初步设计,并且给出了回转机构及其总体的CAD图纸,结论证明,本文所确定的CVT变速器中壳体吊机各项参数可以通过整机稳定性验算,回转机构所选择的电机和轴承符合要求。本文借鉴了以往这方面学者的经验,也可以对于后来人的学习提供一些参考。


Design of shell crane in CVT transmission

Abstract:The shell crane in CVT transmission is a kind of lifting equipment which uses a single column and a rotating arm to lift goods. The lower end of the shell crane in CVT transmission is generally fixed on the basis of concrete. The slewing arm can be rotated according to the needs of the customer. The shell crane in the CVT transmission is a kind of lifting equipment which uses a single column and the rotating arm to lift the cargo. The lower end of the shell crane in the CVT transmission is generally fixed in the On the basis of concrete, The slewing arm can be rotated according to the customer's needs. The shell crane of CVT transmission is simple in structure, convenient in operation and large in working space. It is widely used in various factories. Mine workshop production line and assembly line, is an energy-saving and efficient material hoisting equipment. In recent years, with the development of the strength of our country, all kinds of industries have made great progress. In the port transportation, the transportation machinery with the shell crane as the main working unit in the CVT transmission is becoming more and more important. And the design of the rotary part is paid more and more attention. The influence of the rotary part on its overall performance is self-evident. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the design of the rotary mechanism. Taking the middle shell crane of CVT transmission as an example, the middle shell of CVT transmission is described in this paper. The general process of the general design of the body crane and the preliminary design of its rotary mechanism are given, and the CAD drawings of the rotary mechanism and its overall system are given, and the conclusion is proved. The parameters of the shell crane in the CVT transmission can be checked by the stability of the whole machine and the motor and bearing selected by the rotary mechanism can meet the requirements. This article draws lessons from the previous experience of scholars, but also can provide some reference for later learning.

Key words: shell crane in CVT transmission; rotary mechanism; overall calculation

目  录

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的研究目的和意义 1

1.2 课题研究的内容 1

2 CVT变速器中壳体吊机总体设计 3

2.1 性能参数 3

2.2 确定主要工作机构和金属结构的形式 4

2.2.1 确定主要工作机构形式 4

2.2.2 金属结构选型 11

2.3 载荷的计算 13

2.3.1 自重载荷 13

2.3.2 起升载荷 14

2.3.3 动力载荷 14

2.3.4 物品偏摆载荷 16

2.3.5 风载荷 17

2.4 轮压的计算 22

2.5 整机抗倾覆稳定性计算 25

2.5.1 无风静载工况 25

2.5.2 有风动载工况 26

2.5.3 突然卸载或吊具脱落工况 28

2.5.4 非工作状态暴风侵袭工况 29

3 回转机构设计及计算 30

3.1 概述 30

3.1.1 回转机构组成 30

3.1.2 回转支承装置 30

3.2 滚动轴承式回转支承选型计算: 31

3.3 回转支承装置计算 33

3.3.1 回转支承装置计算载荷 33

3.3.2 滚道接触应力计算 36

3.4 回转驱动机构设计 38

3.4.1 回转阻力矩计算 39

3.4.2 电动机容量的选定及验算 41

3.4.3 传动装置总速比及减速器的选择 44

3.4.4 制动器的选择 44

3.4.5 极限力矩联轴器 45

4 总结与展望 47

4.1 工作总结 47

4.2 工作展望 47

参考文献 49

致  谢 50

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