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题    目  宜宾县中学生课外参与足球活动调查研究

学    院                 体育学               -

专    业               社会体育

学生姓名                                     _

学  号  201511301217 年级   2015级            _

指导教师                 职称                 _

年      月      日




Investigation on extracurricular participation in football exercises of middle school students in Yibin County

Abstract:football, as the first sport in the world, has transcended only the attributes of competition and competition, and also has the most extensive participation in the growing development of China. It not only strengthens people's physique, but also increases the role and meaning of team cohesion and team spirit, which has already crossed the boundaries of race and nation. With the rapid development of economic globalization, football competition is becoming more and more intense, which requires more and more high quality of the players. So, as a new generation of football reserve force, young people occupy an important part. With the development of football professionalization in China, extracurricular Football exercise has gradually been further developed, by the majority of teenagers love and favor, so, all over the country has increased the promotion of extra-curricular football exercise. As a result, some key football schools in China have adopted amateur football clubs and school-based training systems to replace the original amateur sports school training system, which is funded by the state and managed by sports committees at all levels. Thus formed a good football market system, led to the development of extracurricular football training in major schools. This paper tries to understand the present situation of students' participation in extracurricular football training by investigating the primary and secondary schools in Yibin County on a certain scale, and to learn from them. Find problems, further develop extra-curricular football exercise to provide the basis.

Key words: football; extracurricular exercise; investigation and research; Yibin County

目  录

绪  论 1

(一)背景 1

(二)目的 1

(三)意义 1

第一章 研究对象与方法 2

(一)研究对象 2

(二)研究方法 2

1.文献资料法 2

2.问卷调查法 2

3.数据统计法 3

第二章 宜宾县中学生足球课外锻炼发展现状 3

(一)中学生对课外足球锻炼的喜欢程度 3

(二)中学生参加课外足球锻炼的动机 3

(三)中学生参加足球锻炼的时间与方式 4

1.足球锻炼时间情况 4

2.足球锻炼的方式 5

(四)中学生参加班级足球锻炼态度的情况 5

(五)形成良好足球锻炼习惯的影响因素 5

(六)宜宾县三所中学学生体质变化情况 6

第三章 结论与建议 7

(一)结论 7

(二)宜宾县中学生足球课外锻炼发展建议 7

1.学校应加强学生体育意识的培养 7

2.加强组织管理,保证课余足球锻炼时间 7

3.加强师资培训,提高教师素质 8

4.课外足球锻炼多元化、丰富化,满足学生的不同需求 8

5.继续加大体育硬件设施的投入 8

6.重视学生体质测评 8

参考文献 10

致  谢 11

附录:问卷 12

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