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发动机自动熄火的诊断分析 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  




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201*年 *月** 日

摘  要


关键词:发动机  原理  构造  故障诊断

Diagnosis and Analysis of engine automatic flameout


with the rapid development of automobile technology,computer control technology has been applied to various systems of the vehicle,a variety of new structures,new technologies continue to emerge,so that automobile maintenance personnel are facing greater challenges. Car maintenance has changed from the kind of repairman who used to be the best,how to disassemble and install into a technical and difficult type of work. The characteristics of modern repair technology are "seven-point diagnosis and three-point maintenance". The specific methods of engine fault are various,the key is how to find out the law,accumulate experience,raise the perceptual understanding to rational understanding,and then guide the maintenance practice with rational cognition. With the electron With the progress of control technology,countries have increased the research on gasoline engine direct injection technology. Mitsubishi and Volkswagen have launched new models of mass production one after another,and some famous research institutions and production enterprises in Europe and the United States,such as AVL,FEV,Bosch,have also published their own research results.

Key words:engine principle structure fault diagnosis

目    录

摘  要 I

Absrtact II

1 汽车发动机的原理和构造 1

1.1 汽车发动机工作原理 1

1.2 汽车发动机构造 1

1.2.1 曲柄连杆机构 1

1.2.2 配气机构 1

1.2.3 燃料供给系统 1

1.2.4 润滑系统 1

1.2.5 冷却系统 1

1.2.6 点火系统 2

2 汽车发动机自动熄火故障原因分析 3

2.1 真空进气管 3

2.2 废气再循环装置的检查 4

2.3 故障诊断相关要点 4

2.4 检验方法 6

3 汽车发动机自动熄火故障实例 7

3.1 长安之星自动熄火故障 7

3.2 2003年款宝来1.6L轿车等红灯时易熄火故障 7

3.3 奥迪六缸发动机无规律熄火故障 8

结  论 10

致  谢 11

参考文献 12

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