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摘  要






The Design And Implementation Of The Second Hand Goods Trading Platform Based On SSH


With the continuous promotion Internet plus thinking, more and more people into this new type of e-commerce industry. This paper is based on this trend, the design and implementation of the second-hand goods trading platform based on SSH is described in this paper. So-called second-hand goods trading platform is electronic commerce in transactions of second-hand sale of the purpose of a virtual market, to promote the use of network related transactions of second-hand goods, let the customer in understanding to second-hand items of information at the same time, also can achieve online second-hand goods exchange or purchase.

Reference to the development status of second-hand goods disposal now, second-hand goods trading website is not only the sellers and buyers through the Internet again in close contact, to better promote the development of the electricity supplier at the same time, but also on the Internet plus thinking attempt, is an attempt to promote the development of China's second-hand goods market.

The second-hand goods trading system adopts B / S model, the use of the SSH framework, the use of MyEclipse development tools, the Tomcat server and MySQL database to achieve, in the front page of development also uses the JSP technology.

In this system, the user can realize online publishing their own second-hand items, can be used from the second item name, picture, price, quantity, contact method, etc. to carry on the second hand goods to add, quick and accurate. Compared with the traditional sales methods, through the Internet sales can be easily and quickly find a lot of information about the second-hand goods, help users to make consumer shopping. A major feature of the second-hand goods trading platform is to allow the user to achieve both sellers and buyers experience, users can not need to consider the limit of time and space, can realize the second-hand goods exchange or purchase, in saving the open entity shop cost at the same time, and can meet consumer demand for their own.

Keywords: second-hand goods; Internet plus SSH;

目  录

1  绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 目的和意义 1

1.3 系统设计思想 2

1.4 本文的结构 3

2  可行性分析 4

2.1  业务流程 4

2.2  经济可行性 4

2.3  技术可行性 5

2.4  运行可行性 5

2.5  本章小结 5

3  需求分析 6

3.1  电子商务的产生和发展情况 6

3.2 二手货交易网的需求分析 7

3.3 数据流图 7

3.4 本章小结 12

4  总体设计 13

4.1 系统模块总体设计 13

4.2 数据库设计 14

4.2.1数据分析 15

4.2.2数据库的详细设计 15

4.3 本章小结 20

5  详细设计与实现 21

5.1 系统运行及开发环境介绍 21

5.1.1运行环境 21

5.1.2开发工具及技术简介 21

5.2 系统前台基本功能设计与实现 22

5.2.1系统首页设计 23

5.2.2用户维护模块设计与实现 23

5.2.3二手货展示模块设计与实现 28

5.2.4图片广告的设计与实现 28

5.3 系统后台管理功能设计与实现 29

5.3.1 个人信息中心设计与实现 29

5.3.2 用户信息管理设计与实现 30

5.3.3 商品信息管理设计与实现 30

5.3.4 商品类别管理设计与实现 34

5.3.5 商品交换管理设计与实现 34

5.3.6 图片广告管理设计与实现 35

5.4 本章小结 39

6  系统测试与性能分析 40

6.1 软件测试 40

6.2 本系统测试 40

6.2.1 前台首页的测试 40

6.2.2 用户注册模块的测试 41

6.2.3 二手货管理模块的测试 41

6.3 本章小结 42

总  结 43

致    谢 44

参考文献 45

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