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摘 要 3
Abstract 4
1 绪论 5
1.1可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构的技术前景 5
1.1.1可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构的采摘对象分析 5
2 可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构原理 6
2.1油茶果实采摘方式的选择 6
2.1.1可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构原理简述 6
2.1.2 可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构三维装配图 7
3 可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构设计与计算................................ 8
    3.1 可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构头部原理与设计 8
    3.1.1可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构可伸缩部分原理与设计 9
    3.1.2动力部分原理及设计计算 11
    3.1.3各个零配件材料的选择 12
4 可伸缩齿梳式油茶果实采摘机构总结 13
参 考 文 献 14
致 谢 15
摘 要
This topic using mapping software for mechanism design of camellia fruit picking, scalable picking machine is a kind of comb type people picking fruits high difficult to solve and innovative design tools, at the same time the design greatly convenient for migrant workers picking the fruit of the process and picking efficiency. Design organization include: picking mechanism, telescopic rod, comb shape design and collection mechanism using Pro/e software rendering the 3 d map to help understanding. Scalable comb type camellia picking fruit picking agencies and institutions mainly adopts the comb type aluminum alloy tube scalable, picking the width of the range with high efficiency, larger scale length can be adjusted, the harvest is flexible and effort, the fruit out of aluminum alloy tube hollow section, picking fruit diameter for each tooth of the minimum cent distance of 20 mm, picking fruit for minimum alumin tube of the largest diameter of 60 mm, collection is extremely convenient save Lab, aluminum alloy tube scalable organizations and their quality is lighter, easy to carry, the production and improvement.
Key words: scalability; camellia fruit; harvest; comb type; mechanism

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