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“壹加壹” 餐厅商业空间设计



[关键词]  藏文化  藏式餐厅  空间设计


Under the influence of economic globalization, design showing international and diversified development direction. Tibetan culture and Restaurant Design in many design highlight its own characteristics, the traditional culture and the combination of local culture, create a Tibetan artistic space, which is not only the result of market competition, but also the inevitable requirement of the development of consumption demand. Culture is the only national, is the world. Tibetan culture and restaurant design is the commercial and artistic unity. This reflects the combination of traditional culture and Tibetan culture, Tibetan culture restaurant to create and design to grasp this point, so as to remain invincible in the competition. Based on the analysis of the Tibetan ethnic cultural conception, the characteristics of catering culture, combined with the aesthetic needs of the modern society, the use of color, shape analysis, light and form factors, to explore the Tibetan restaurant decoration style, interior features and selection of furniture and furnishings. The diners feel the broad and profound Chinese culture in the process of the meal, a taste of Tibetan ethnic customs, relaxation and pleasure brought by the experience of Tibetan culture and mind, highlighting their own national characteristics in numerous design trend, creating artistic conception space with Tibetan characteristics.

[Key Words]  Tibetan culture   restaurant Characteristic   artistic co


一、“壹加壹” 餐厅商业空间设计概述 (1)

二、展开设计 ... (1)

(一)市场调研 (1)

1、同类餐厅调研概况 (1)

2、市场调研总结 (2)

(二)设计分析与定位 (2)

1、“壹加壹”餐厅商业空间设计分析 (2)

2、“壹加壹”餐厅商业空间设计定位 (3)

(三)设计的目的与意义 (4)

1、“壹加壹”餐厅商业空间设计目的 (4)

2、“壹加壹”餐厅商业空间设计意义 (4)

三﹑作品设计说明 (5)

(一)“壹加壹”餐厅商业空间设计说明 (5)

(二)空间及功能的设计说明 (6)

1、门厅区设计说明 (6)

2、大厅区设计说明 (7)

3、吧台区设计说明 (8)

4、包厢室设计说明 (8)

四、空间设计的营造 (10)

1、壹加壹”餐厅商业空间色彩的运用 (10)

2、壹加壹”餐厅商业空间灯光的运用 (11)

3、壹加壹”餐厅商业空间陈设的运用 (11)

4、壹加壹”餐厅商业空间材料的运用 (12)

5、壹加壹”餐厅商业空间图案的运用 (12)

五、设计感想 (13)

参考文献 (15)

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