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摘  要

智商(IQ) ,是一种数量化的、对智力的标准测量。智力测验就是对智力的科学测试,它主要测验一个人的思维能力、学习能力和适应环境的能力。现代心理学界对智力有不同的看法。所谓智力就是指人类学习和适应环境的能力。智力包括观察能力、记忆能力、想象能力、思维能力等等。


(一) 效度

1、 效度的含义。效度指的是测验对所要测量的智力特征的正确程度。一个测验的效度越高,表示它所测结果越能代表所要测的智力的真正特征,该测验也就越能成为有效的测量工具。

2、 效度系数。求效度系数一般采用统计的方法,以所测得的分数与所希望测得的分数(根据特定的标准)之间的相关系数来表示。一般来说,一个智力测验的效度系数达到0.3以上即算相当有效,因为除了效度本身数值的大小以外,测验人数的多少也与效度系数的高低有关。一般智力测验的系数多在0.3到0.6之间,效度系数越接近1,说明其效度越高。

(二) 信度




(四) 实施程序


(五) 记分方法




IQ Test System Research


Intelligence quotient (IQ), is a standard measure of intelligence, the number of. The intelligence test is to test the intelligence science, it mainly tests a person's thinking ability, learning ability and ability to adapt to the environment. Modern psychology circles have different views of intelligence. The so-called intelligence refers to the human learning and the ability to adapt to the environment. Intelligence includes the ability of observation, memory, imagination and thinking ability etc.

As a test of intelligence, if it becomes an instrument of measurement precision and at least, must have the following five basic conditions. These five conditions can be assessed various ability test standard for it as, can also be used as a test principle.

1, the meaning of validity. Validity refers to the degree of correct test to measure the characteristics of intelligence. A test of the validity of the higher, it said the real characteristics of the measured results can be measured more representative of the intelligence, the test also becomes the effective measurement tool. For example, a college with an intelligence test to select studentssaid their practical ability. If you find any on the intelligence test scores, the school grades are high, low scores on intelligence tests, the school grades are low, which means very high intelligence tests have the validity.

2, validity coefficient. For the general validity coefficient using the statistical method to the measured fraction and that the measured fraction (according to specific criteria) to represent the correlation coefficient between. In general, an intelligence test validity coefficient is above 0.3 is quite effective, because in addition to the size of the validity of numerical test, the number of how many and the level of the validity coefficient. Coefficient of general intelligence test in between 0.3 to 0.6, the validity coefficient is close to 1, indicating the validity of the higher.

3,The test must be standardized, in order to become an instrument of measurement. In the process of standardization, the whole object of the test should be applied in the future, and it can be taken as a representative of the whole sample to be measured first. In order to make the test standardized, the sample is taken as the standard sample.

4,The purpose of any test is to identify the individual's ability. In practical applications, there must be a certain implementation procedures. Otherwise, even if the above three conditions all have, also may not be able to play the function of the test, to achieve the purpose of identifying individual ability. The so-called "implementation of the procedures", that is, a test in the process of implementation, the main test should be done and should be said to be standardized. Whoever uses the same test should do the same thing and say the same thing.

5,The result of the test is that it can provide useful information by means of scores. Therefore, in the test, how to calculate the original score, how to convert into other scores, how to use the norm, etc., must be specified in the specification. No matter what kind of scoring method is used, it must be in line with the principle of objective, correct, rapid, economical and practical.

The IQ test system is mainly used MVC architecture. Development of the processing layer, data layer and presentation layer, which can greatly improve the simplicity of the website and reduce the difficulty of development. In the completion of this design I will do a preliminary study and discussion of this design, feel the design process of a website management system.

Keywords:IQ Test System、Website Development 、MVC Architecture;

目    录

摘  要 2

Abstract 4

第一章  引言 8

1.1 课题背景以及研究内容 8

1.1.1 课题背景 8

1.1.2 IQ智商测试系统的特点 8

1.13 IQ测试知识普及 8

第二章  课题设计方案以及难点 10

2.1设计方案 10

2.2实现难点 10

2.2.1 Servlet的搭建 10

2.2.2 ajax的异步认证 10

2.2.3 系统初始化 10

2.2.4 分页数据提交 11

2.2.5 计分统计 11

2.3设计难点最终解决方案 11

第三章  课题的总体架构设计 11

3.1系统加构简介 11

3.2开发环境 12

3.3技术简介 12

3.3.1 Servlet 12

3.3.2 Ajax技术 13

3.3.3 JDBC技术 15

3.3.4 CSS与JavaScript技术 17

3.3.5 MVC架构 17

3.3.6 Spring 18

3.3.7 Apache DBUtils 18

3.3.8 JSP技术 19

3.3.9 Jquery 21

3.3.9 Junit测试 22

3.4开发规范 22

第四章 系统实施 24

4.1部署方案 24

4.1.1 MyEclipse的安装 24

4.1.2 JDK的的简介以及安装 25

4.1.3 Tomcat的简介及其安装 28

4.1.4 MySql数据库的安装 31

4.1.5 开发环境的配置 33

第五章  系统实现 36

5.1 表结构设计 36

5.1.1 用户表(user): 36

5.1.2 试题表(iqinfo): 36

5.1.3 分数表(scoreinfo): 36

5.2代码结构 37

5.2.1系统框架: 37

5.2.2工程结构简介 37

5.2.3 关键实体类简介 39

5.3模块展示 42

5.3.1登入模块 42

5.3.2管理模块 43

5.4 系统测试 46

5.4.1 JUNIT工具介绍 46

5.4.2 JUNIT测试用例 47

5.4.3 FindBugs代码检查 49

第六章  总  结 51

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