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该长途汽车订票系统采用ssh(Struts2 + Spring + Hibernate)、javascript脚本控制和Ajax异步交互等技术来开发。结构上分为表现层、业务层和数据访问层。其中表现层采用Struts框架开发;业务层封装业务流程,为适应业务的变更,每一业务模块均有专门的接口及实现类,利用Spring的IOC功能将实现类注入给表现层的Action;数据访问层借助于Hibernate实现,代码简洁且可适应不同的数据库。事务部分利用Spring的声明式事务管理。该系统严格按照软件开发流程:需求分析、页面设计、概要设计、详细设计、测试运行等。

关键词:长途汽车订票系统 ,Hibernate ,Struts2 ,Spring

Abstract:Internet is no longer fashionable words in recent years, and the percentage of booking via the Internet in the domestic is getting higher and higher. The reason is that there are various benefits of booking on the Internet. First of all, the great capacity of information is clear at a glance, the bus number and their routes and whether the tickets are available are very convenient for people to inquire, compare and book. Also booking over the Internet can be restricted by the time and space, you don’t have to be at the station, and you don’t have to in the business hours, you can book every time, everywhere just if you like. Besides, the prices of tickets are of apparent discount, you can choose to pay in cash, and of course, you can choose to pay over the e-bank.

The bus booking system is developed using technologies of ssh(struts+hibernate+

spring),and javascript script controlling and ajax asynchronous interaction. The construction of the system can be divided into three layers which are UI, business layer, and the data access layer. And the UI layer is developed under the framework of Struts. The business flow is packaged by the business layer so as to be accustomed to the changes of the business. There are unique interface and classes of each business module and with the IOC function of Spring, the classes is filled into the Action of the UI layer. The data accessing layer can be achieved via Hibernate, the codes are concise and different database can be accessed. The part of business is achieved via the declaration of transaction management. The development of this system is in strict accordance with the software developing process which consists of demand analysis, UI designing, outline design, detail design and operation test, and etc.

Key Words: bus booking system , struts2 ,hibernate ,spring

目  录

1概  述 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.2 系统开发工具 2

1.2.1 MyEclipse的认识 2

1.2.2 JSP与JDK简介 2

1.2.3 MySQL数据库 3

1.2.4 B/S模式简介 3

1.2.5 Tomcat服务器简介 3

1.3 系统主要使用技术 4

1.3.1 MVC设计模式 4

1.3.2 Struts2技术简介 4

1.3.3 Spring技术简介 5

1.3.4 Hibernate持久化框架简介 6

1.3.5 AJAX技术 6

2 需求分析与可行性研究 7

2.1需求分析 7

2.1.1系统需求分析 7

2.2可行性研究 8

2.2.1技术可行性 8

2.2.2经济可行性 9

2.2.3操作可行性 9

3系统架构 10

4 系统概要设计 11

5系统详细设计与实现 12

5.1数据库设计 12

5.2数据字典 12

5.3 数据表实体 15

5.4系统的实现 17

5.4.1 ssh环境搭建 17

5.4.2登录验证 21

5.4.3车站信息管理 22

5.4.4路线信息管理 24

5.4.5用户信息管理 25

5.4.6客户信息管理和订单管理 26

5.4.7客户登录模块 28

5.4.8预订车票模块 29

5.4.9 订单管理模块 31

6 系统测试 32

6.1系统的测试 32

6.1.1系统测试的性能要求 32

6.2系统的单元测试 32

总  结 34

参考文献 35

致  谢 36

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