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关键词: 渐开线,齿廓,单盘,偏差


The tooth profile deviation measurement, also known as tooth profile measurement, is usually measured on an involute tester. Involute testers can be divided into universal involute testers and single disk involute testers. The single disk involute tester uses a comparative method to measure the tooth profile deviation, that is, to compare the measured tooth profile with the theoretical involute curve to obtain the tooth profile deviation.

With the continuous progress of industrialization and informatization, measurem-

ent technology is changing with each passing day. The previous single disk involute tester revealed some disadvantages. For example, when the gear is measured, the recording device is a dial indicator. Every time the gear reads a reading through a certain angle, it cannot record continuously. Without intelligent and modern detection methods, high-precision gears cannot be obtained.

This article through the investigation of domestic and foreign products, access to relevant information manuals, etc., to complete the design of a single disk profile measurement instrument.It mainly includes the preliminary design preparation work: learning the principles of tooth profile measurement by consulting literature, scientific research, etc.; and then designing and optimizing the overall plan for the single disk profile measuring instrument. Replace the measuring device with an inductive sensor and replace the hand wheel drive with a stepper motor. It is determined that the stepper motor rotation is controlled by the single-chip microcomputer system, the extended display shows the tooth profile error value, and the result is printed out. Finally, based on the previous design results, the design of the mechanical structure and the design of the parts were checked, and the two-dimensional drawings (including the assembly drawing and the parts drawing) were also established.

Keyword: involute,tooth profile,single disk,deviation


摘要 ii

Abstract iii

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究内容和意义 1

1.2 典型的齿廓测量仪 1

1.3 齿形测量国内外发展动态和未来研究方向 2

1.3.1发展动态 2

1.3.2未来研究方向 3

第2章 总体设计原理和方案 5

2.1设计要求 5

2.2设计原理 5

2.2.1渐开线的定义及特点 5

2.2.2渐开线理论在齿形检查仪上的应用 7

2.3总体设计方案 7

2.3.1老式单盘齿廓检查仪简介 7

2.3.2主要设计 9

2.3.3测量流程 9

第3章 系统硬件电路设计 11

3.1单片机系统部分 11

3.1.1单片机系统简述 11

3.1.2 AT89C51功能介绍 11

3.2单片机扩展 13

3.2.1时钟振荡器 13

3.2.2复位电路 14

3.2.3 8155扩展器 14

3.2.4 74LS138 15

3.2.4 74LS373 16

3.2.5 2732程序存储器 16

3.2.6 6116数据存储器 17

3.2.7 键盘显示器扩展 17

3.2.8 低通滤波和采样保持电路 17

3.2.9 A/D转换器 17

第4章 机械部分的设计 21

4.1导向机构 21

4.2传动机构 21

4.3 驱动设计 22

第5章 机械部分的校核计算 23

5.1滚珠丝杠的设计计算 23

5.1.1 X方向滚珠丝杠承载零件质量 23

5.1.2 滚珠丝杠的预选择和支撑方式 23

5.1.3 滚珠丝杠的校核 25

5.2轴承的设计计算 27

第6章 电机与联轴器的选择 29

6.1步进电机的选型计算 29

6.2联轴器的选择 31

第7章 经济与环保性分析 33

第8章 收获与展望 35

8.1收获 35

8.2展望 35

参考文献 37

结束语 39

附录 41

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