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本设计是石家庄丰发塑料加工厂办公楼建筑结构设计,共4层,层高3.3米,采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,抗震等级为三级,抗震设防烈度为7度,整个设计包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计部分,主要包括总平面设计、建筑平面设计(功能布局及布置思路、房间的布置、卫生间的设计、楼梯布置、柱网布置等)、立面设计、剖面设计(层数层高确定及楼梯设计)、建筑材料设计(屋面做法、楼面做法)、防火设计,并对主要设计规范、尺寸单位、荷载及钢筋混凝土作了附加说明。结构设计部分,首先根据建筑设计、工艺使用要求、材料供应情况以及场地地质条件等确定结构布置方案,然后选取一榀典型框架进行设计计算。在明确计算简图的前提下,进一步确定框架承受的荷载,包括恒载、屋(楼)面活载和风荷载,在此基础上进行框架内力计算、内力组合、梁、柱和基础等构件的配筋计算以及风荷载作用下的侧移验算。除此之外,还进行了楼梯设计与计算等。为进一步验证手算结果的精确度,采用PKPM 2005行业软件进行了电算,比较分析表明手算结果是可靠的。最后用AutoCAD-2008进行绘图。


关键词  建筑设计;结构设计;内力组合


Office building organs, enterprises, institutions of administrative management, office business technical staff and business premises, forward integration, modern office building integrated direction. Build perfect office building is not only to create a comfortable office space for people, but also improve the image of the company.

The present project is a 4-store office building with the floor height 3.3m . The four-layer building is adopted the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, and the seismic fortification intensity is 7 with the anti-seismic level 3. The entire graduation project divides into two parts, that is, the architectural design part and the structural design part.In the architectural design part, it includes the total plane design, architectural graphic design (the function layout and layout thinking, the room arrangement and the design of toilet, stair layout, column, etc), the facade design layout, section design(the number and the height of layers identity and stair design), building materials design (roofing approach, the floor practice) and fire prevention design. In addition, instructions for the main design norms and dimensions, load and reinforced concrete is given.In the structural design part, the array of structure is first determined according to architectural design, process demand, material supply and geological conditions; then a typical transverse frame is taken to be computed. After the extract of computation sketch, the external loads such as the dead load, living load on the roof (floor) and the wind load are calculated; then the internal force in the structure is obtained through the moment distribution method under vertical loading and the modified knick point method under horizontal loads. In the following, the combination of internal force is performed. On the above basis, the design of structural components such as beams, columns and foundations are respectively carried out, and at the same time the checking computation of the slidesway under wind load is done. In addition, the design of the stair components are also completed.To verify the accuracy of above results, numerical tests are performed with the software PKPM 2005, and the comparisons prove that the original results are reliable. Finally, the construction documents are completed using the software AutoCAD 2008.

Through graduation design, I proceeds my four years' profession knowledge sy-nthesize to the application, improve my profession level ,prepare massiness basic

for my work in the future.

Keywords architectural design; design of construction component; the statistical of load; the calculation of interal force

目   录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章  绪论 1

第2章  建筑方案设计 2

2.1 工程概况 2

2.2 工程做法 2

2.3 基本要求 2

2.4 设计思路 3

2.5 设计理念 3

第3章  结构设计 4

3.1 结构概况 4

3.1.1设计依据的国家规范 4

3.1.2 自然条件 4

3.2结构布置及基本构件的确定 4

3.2.1柱网布置 4

3.2.2截面尺寸估算 5

3.2.3 基础的选用 7

3.2.4 结构计算简图 7

3.3重力荷载计算 7

3.3.1屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 7

3.3.2 屋面及楼面可变荷载标准值 8

3.3.3梁柱重力荷载的计算 8

3.3.4墙重力荷载的计算 8

3.4 水平地震力的计算 9

3.4.1横向自振周期计算 9

3.4.2水平地震作用及楼层水平地震力作用下的内力计算 9

3.5 线刚度计算 13

3.6 水平荷载下内力计算 13

3.7 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 15

3.7.1计算单元 15

3.7.2 竖向恒荷载计算 15

3.7.3活荷内力计算 19

3.7.4重力荷载代表值计算 25

3.8 内力组合 27

3.8.1框架梁内力组合 27

3.8.2框架柱内力组合 28

3.9 梁端剪力及柱轴力计算 32

3.9.1 恒载作用下梁端剪力及柱轴力计算 32

3.9.2 活载作用下梁端剪力及柱轴力计算 33

3.10 截面设计 33

3.10.1 承载力抗力调整系数 33

3.10.2 梁的正截面设计 34

3.10.3梁的斜截面强度计算 39

3.10.4框架柱设计 41

3.11 双向板的设计 45

3.11.1荷载的计算 45

3.11.2配筋计算 45

3.11.3截面设计 47

3.12板式楼梯设计 49

3.12.1楼梯基本尺寸的确定 49

3.12.2楼梯斜板设计 49

3.12.3休息平台板的设计 51

3.12.4休息平台梁的设计 52

3.13基础设计 53

3.13.1 基本资料 53

3.13.2 确定基础底面尺寸 53

3.13.3 确定基础高度 54

3.13.4 基础配筋 55

工程总结 57

参考文献 58

致谢 59

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