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基于catia的大型客车车身设计 说明书(论文)+CAD图纸+catia三维模型+外文翻译及原文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘    要






Content: Large passenger cars from the engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment, and other major components. The study shows that the large passenger car body occupies about 30% to 40% of the vehicle quality, in the case of no load, 70% of the fuel consumption in the body quality, while the body is the only part of the car with the ability to absorb collision energy Of the collision occurred in the car through a reasonable deformation of the occupant protection. Therefore, the design of large passenger car body, can effectively improve the vehicle's power, fuel economy and driving stability.

This paper to KLQ 6 1 00G city bus, for example, with reference to KLQ 6 1 00G city bus has a car chassis, with three-dimensional design software (CATIA) on the bus body shape, interior layout, passenger area layout and other automotive layout design and research. In the design of the car layout, with reference to the same type of design and research methods, the car parts of the decorative form awakened a careful analysis, and in strict accordance with the bus manufacturing standards for design. In the process of theoretical analysis and modeling, learn the latest body design information, the design of repeated changes in the capacity to improve the basis of the volume to optimize the shape design, so beautiful and generous, and rely on the internal structure of the design to improve passenger comfort , To enhance the passenger's ride experience.

Due to the acceleration of the urbanization process and the traffic demand caused by the suburbanization, the large passenger car is becoming more and more important in solving the urban traffic demand and market demand. The study on the shape and layout of large passenger cars is conducive to the development of urban public transport in China. Under the basic principle of "safe, comfortable, fast, economical and convenient" for public transportation, this paper has certain application and reference value.

Keywords: city bus; CATIA,;body shape; total layout

目    录

摘    要


1  绪论

1.1  大型客车车身设计的研究现状

1.2  我国城市公交车发展方向

1.3  本课题的研究内容

1.4  本章小结

2  车身外部造型与总布置设计

2.1  空气动力学特征在整车外形中的应用

2.2  汽车车身制图

2.3  整车外形总布置设计

2.4  车身三维造型设计

2.5  本章小结

3 车身内部总布置设计

3.1  人机工程学在整车内部总布置中的应用

3.2  确定驾驶员座椅H点位置

3.3  仪表板设计

3.4  确定各操纵件的位置

3.5  乘客区座椅布置

3.6  本章小结

4  驾驶区三维造型设计

4.1  仪表台造型设计

4.2  驾驶员座椅造型设计

4.3  操纵件造型设计

4.4  驾驶区各主要部件装配

4.5  本章小结

5  乘客区三维造型设计

5.1  地板设计

5.2  乘客座椅及座椅支架造型设计

5.3  乘客区座椅装配

5.4  本章小结

6  结论

参 考 文 献

致    谢

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