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智能助老机器人设计 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+图样+查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

2021届                            分类号:

                         单位代码 :10452



姓    名 

      学    号   

      年    级      2017级   

      专    业    机械电子工程

      系 (院)   机械与车辆工程


2021年 4  月 8  日


摘  要




关键词:助老;机器人;服务机器人;智能;Arduino UNO R3

Design of Intelligent Robot for the Elderly


With the continuous progress of urbanization in China and the implementation of family planning policy for many years, many families are facing the social problems of a couple supporting four elderly people, coupled with the gradual increase of the elderly population and the aging of the population. Make the elderly pension and pain care facing great pressure. The emergence of artificial intelligence service robot has effectively solved the problem of insufficient social nursing staff caused by the aging of the population, and has also greatly improved the living standard of the elderly.

This design combines psychology, ergonomics, medicine, robotics, industrial design methodology and other interdisciplinary knowledge, always implement user-centered ideas, smart home as a platform, home service robot as a service medium, Based on the target object-problem-needs analysis-product design-scheme evaluation, this paper aims to solve the problem of aging society on the basis of the will of intelligent old-age service and individualized demand for the elderly in the future.

This design mainly realizes, the main body frame, the control part, the sensing system, the drive part and so on composition. It can remind the elderly at a set time by means of a control device, send the medicine to the elderly, and bring its own drinking water. The machine voice broadcast and the display module show that the elderly should take the medicine and avoid repeated taking the medicine. Finish the old people's daily medicine and other work.

Keywords: helping the elderly; robot; service robot; intelligence; Arduino UNO R3

目  录

1. 绪论 1

1.1. 选题背景及意义 1

1.2. 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1. 国外研究现状 1

1.2.2. 国内研究现状 2

1.3. 研究主要内容 2

2. 总体设计 3

2.1. 主要功能 3

2.2. 主要性能指标 3

2.3. 整体控制方案 3

3. 装置零件的选择 5

3.1. 底盘模块的相关计算与电机选择 5

3.1.1. 驱动轮的选择 5

3.1.2. 非驱动轮的选择 5

3.1.3. 电机驱动单元的选择 5

3.2. 样机重要零部件设计 6

3.2.1. 链轮链条传动 6

3.2.2. 固定心轴的设计 7

3.2.3. 悬臂梁的设计 8

3.2.4. 伞齿轮设计 9

3.2.5. 驱动轮模块设计 9

3.2.6. 非驱动轮模块 9

3.2.7. 辅助升降机构 9

3.3. 确定设计方案 10

3.3.1. 丝杠螺母选择 10

3.3.2. 电机及减速器等的选择 11

3.3.3. 功率计算和电机选择 11

3.3.4. 联轴器的选用 11

4. 控制系统 13

4.1. 采用RS-485通信的被控板的介绍 13

4.2. 被控板的相关模块介绍 14

4.2.1. 单片机电路 14

4.2.2. 通信电路模块 15

4.2.3. RS-232通信 18

4.3. 服务机器人的图像采集 19

4.3.1. 机械臂原理图 19

4.3.2. 图像采集装置 19

4.3.3. 图像采集系统效果及其分析 27

4.3.4. 视频采集系统总结 28

5. 总结与展望 29

5.1. 总结 29

5.2. 展望 29

参考文献 30

致  谢 32

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