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某县农业局5层办公楼建筑结构设计(4600平方米) 计算书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+外文翻译及原文+建筑结构施工cad图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  





结构设计的过程分为结构方案的选择与布置、构件尺寸的确定和主体结构的计算三个过程。设计内容有:荷载计算,水平风荷载作用下及竖向荷载作用下框架的内力计算,内力组合,梁柱的截面设计,楼梯、楼板设计及基础设计等,并进行了施工组织的设计。另外运用PKPM及Auto CAD进行框架的结构设计计算和板的配筋计算以及结构施工图的绘制。


Content  Summary

The design of the building Longhui County Bureau of Agriculture. The total floor area of ​​building control in about 4,300 square meters.

The building is frame building, set within the corridor, combined with the base area, structure, selection, etc. determined by building module bay and into the deep, and reform and flexibility for the future create the conditions for separation.

The design is divided into building design and structural design of two parts. Part of architectural design combines the advantages of several programs, consider the various factors affecting the construction, use of modern office can meet the various requirements, but also more economical solution.

The process is divided into structural design scheme selection and arrangement, scantlings determination and calculation of the main structure of the three processes. Design elements are: load calculation, the horizontal wind loads and vertical loads framework for force calculation, internal force combination, beam section design, staircases, floor design and foundation design and construction organization carried out the design. In addition the use of PKPM, and Auto CAD design calculations for the structural frame and panel construction reinforcement calculation and structural mapping.

Keywords: load; internal force calculation; internal force combination; reinforcement calculation .

The design of the building Longhui County Bureau of Agriculture. The total floor area of building control in about 4,300 square meters.

目   录

中文摘要 Ⅰ

英文摘要 Ⅱ

1 建筑设计说明 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 总平面设计 1

1.3 平面设计 2

1.4 立面设计 2

1.5 剖面设计 3

2 结构选型及布置 4

2.1 结构选型 4

2.2 结构布置 4

2.3 材料选用 4

3 框架结构内力计算 5

3.1 框架梁的截面尺寸估算 5

3.2 框架柱的截面尺寸估算 5

3.3 框架梁柱的线刚度 6

3.4 横向框架柱侧移刚度计算 8

3.5 风荷载标准值计算 9

3.6 风荷载作用下的框架侧移计算 10

3.7 风荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 11

3.8 框架各种荷载计算 14

3.9 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 17

4 横向框架内力组合 24

4.1 框架梁设计值内力组合 24

4.2 框架柱设计值内力组合 24

5截面设计与配筋计算 28

5.1 框架梁截面设计 28

5.2 框架柱截面设计 33

6屋面板及楼面板的计算 39

6.1 屋面板的计算 39

6.2 楼面板的计算 43

7 楼梯结构计算 46

7.1 建筑设计 46

7.2 结构设计 46

7.3 楼梯板计算 46

7.4 平台板计算 47

7.5 平台梁计算 48

8 柱下钢筋混凝土独立基础计算 50

8.1 基础造型 50

8.2 基础梁截面尺寸选取 50

8.3 荷载计算 50

9 施工组织设计 54

9.1 工程概况 54

9.2 施工部署及主要分部分项工程施工方案 55

9.3保证质量的措施 58

9.4保证安全的措施 63

9..5 文明施工现场措施 65

参考文献 67

外文资料 68

中文译文 75

致谢 80

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