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基于SSM和Boostrap实现的电影评论网站设计 毕业论文+外文翻译及原文+项目源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
随着社会快速发展以及人民生活水平的普遍提高,人们对于精神生活的需求也不断上升.电影作为廉价的快消品,为人们的业余生活提供了丰富多彩的精神享受.电影的在线评分可以为影院,观众,周边产业等提供参考和依据.所以电影在线评分的预测一直以来都是电影行业较为关注的问题.因此,如何能够准确地预测一部电影的在线评分,对于影院及周边行业的发展,观众观影的选择来说都是至关重要的.由于电影在线评分预测难度相对较大,电影在线评分预测的实证研究也非常匮乏,并没有形成一套成熟,科学的预测方法. 为了能够进一步提高利用电影特征信息对电影在线评分的预测准确度,本文提出了一种新的混合预测模型来预测电影在线评分.
网站分为管理员和前台用户,必须得根据权限来展示不同的界面和功能。可以利用Java注解来实现。注解可以看成是一个接口,注解实例就是一个实现了该接口的动态代理类。注解大多是用做对某个类、方法、字段进行说明,标识的。以便在程序运行期间我们通 过反射获得该字段或方法的注解的实例,来决定该做些什么处理或不该进行什么处理。
With the rapid development of society and the general improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for spiritual life is also rising.As a cheap FMCG product, the film provides a colorful spiritual enjoyment for people's spare time life.The online score of movies can provide reference and basis for cinemas, audiences and surrounding industries.So the prediction of online film ratings has always been a major concern for the film industry.Therefore, how to accurately predict the online score of a movie is crucial to the choice of audiences for the development of cinemas and surrounding industries.Due to the relatively high difficulty of film online score prediction, the empirical research of film online score prediction is also very scarce, and has not form a set of mature, scientific prediction methods.In order to further improve the prediction accuracy of movie online scoring using movie feature information, this paper proposes a new hybrid prediction model to predict movie scoring online.
The website is divided into administrators and front users, and must display different interfaces and functions based on permissions.It can be implemented using the Java annotation.Note can be seen as an interface and the annotation instance is a dynamic proxy class that implements the interface.Notations are mostly used to explain and identify a class, method, and field.In order to determine what to do or should not do by reflecting the example of the annotation of the field or method.
By judging the login authority, log in to the website with different identities, divided into webmaster and membership.The administrator has the operations to add, delete and check the program form, and has a simple processing function for the movies on the website, aiming to manage and maintain the website; the members are different from the tourists. After landing on the members, they can review the film or communicate with the administrator.Through the administrator's mastery of the information and the guarantee of the acquisition speed, the operation of updated content every day, and carefully arranged to each module through selection and classification.It is best to automatically collect information with a crawler.
Key words: movie website; comment system; Douban review; SSM;Java
摘  要 1
Abstract 2
一 项目简介 4
1.1 研究目的 4
1.2 发展概况 5
1.3 开发工具的选择 5
1.3.1 IDE 5
1.3.2 操作系统选择 5
1.3.6 .2 MVC框架使用SpringMVC 7
1.3.6 .3 Dao层使用Hibernate 8
二 系统分析 8
2.1 主要功能 8
2.2 方案论证 8
2.2.1 设计原理 9
2.2.2 方案选择 9
2.3 基本思路 9
2.3.1 网站UI的思路 9
2.3.2 获取资源的思路 9
2.3.3 权限控制思路 10
2.4 主要问题 10
2.5 网站要求 10
三 系统设计 10
3.1 概要设计 10
3.2 详细设计 12
3.2.1 版面设计 12
3.2.2 功能设计 13
四 系统实现 14
4.1 创建系统外观界面 14
4.2 获取图片功能的实现 14
4.3 根据条件排序和筛选功能的实现 15
4.4 基于注解的权限认证 16
4.5 根据权限来展示界面 17
4.6 定时更新正在热映电影 19
4.7 前后端认证 19
五 系统运行 22
5.1 首页 22
5.2详情页 22
5.3 评论页 23
5.4 发布评论 24
5.5 分类页 24
5.6 注册&登录页 25
5.7个人中心页 26
总结 26

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