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基于BootStrap的农业信息数据收集与管理平台设计 毕业论文.doc
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘        要
关键词:农情信息获取    信息管理平台    MVC模式    BootStrap    百度地图
Cloud Platform for Multi-service Agricultural Information Acquisition
Lin Yingying
(College of Mathematics and Informatics, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
Abstract: In the rapidly developing information era, if the great advantage of network can be taken to create an agricultural data management platform, will benefit the Work efficiency of agricultural information management. Through the platform, data can be collected and shared, and displayed in time. Therefore, it is very necessary to create an agricultural information management platform.
Multi-service information acquisition cloud platform is an agricultural information management platform, where data types include text, audio, image and video. Through the platform, data can be real-time previewed, dynamic displayed and analyzed. Multi-service information acquisition cloud platform developed following the thinking of MVC pattern, and used the integration framework of Spring and Hibernate. Database of the platform is the lightweight database management system named MySQL. The platform applied the BootStrap framework in programming Web pages, which is compatible strongly with browsers. It also called Baidu map API to locate data source. It could be widely used in multi-service agricultural information management applications, which means it has a broad application prospect.
This paper first introduces the research background of multi-service information acquisition cloud platform and the technical tools used in the program. Secondly, it elaborates the outline design and detailed design of the platform, and then describes the details and the process of programming multi-service information acquisition cloud platform, shows the operation of the platform through the views screenshots, and finally makes the paper summary and prospects.
Key words: Agricultural Information Acquisition  Information Management Platform  MVC Pattern  BootStrap  Baidu Map
目        录
1 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容 1
1.3 研究意义 1
1.4 本论文工作和章节内容 2
2 系统环境与技术支持 3
2.1 系统环境 3
2.2 B/S架构 3
2.3 服务端技术 3
2.3.1 MVC模式 3
2.3.2 Spring框架 4
2.3.3 Hibernate框架 4
2.3.4 MySQL数据库 5
2.4 前端技术 5
2.4.1 BootStrap框架 5
2.4.2 JQuery框架 6
2.4.3 交互框架Ajax 6
3 系统设计 7
3.1 系统功能概述 7
3.2 系统需求分析 7
3.3 系统架构阐述 8
3.4 系统数据库设计 9
4 系统实现 13
4.1 Spring和Hibernate整合后台开发 13
4.2 JQuery和Ajax实现系统交互 14
4.3 数据管理技术 14
4.3.1 文件上传 15
4.3.2 数据分页查询 18
4.4 数据展示技术 18
4.4.1 调用百度地图API标记地点 19
4.4.2 应用Highcharts绘制折线图 21
4.4.3 应用HTML5标签展示音频视频 23
4.5 系统权限限制 23
5 系统展示 25
5.1 平台首页 25
5.2 注册用户 25
5.3 添加地点 26
5.4 搜索地点 26
5.5 定位地点 27
5.6 删除地点 27
5.7 添加数据 28
5.8 搜索数据 29
5.9 文本数据报告 31
5.10 图像数据报告 33
5.11 音频数据报告 34
5.12 视频数据报告 34
6 总结与展望 36
参考文献 37
致谢 38

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