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基于SSH+Html的外汇资产业务交易管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

【摘 要】
本外汇业务管理系统采用微服务架构设计,并按照业务功能进行垂直拆分成4个微服务。各个微服务部署在独立的服务器中,并通过轻量级的通信机制(基于HTTP的Restful API),进行相互协调、互相配合,从而为用户提供最终价值。在安全上,采用JWT(JSON Web Token)集成Spring Security安全框架来搭建单点登录平台,从而进行用户认证和权限鉴定。在MVC架构设计上采用SSH(Spring、 Spring MVC、Hibernate)技术框架进行模型(model)-视图(view)-控制器(controller)的开发。在实时日志收集分析系统上,采用ELK(ElasticSearch、Logstash、Kibana)技术架构搭建。
With the development of global economic integration, the economies of the world have gradually begun to form an organism that is open to each other, interconnected and interdependent. And with China's reform and opening up and accession to the world trade organization, China has become an indispensable part of the world economic network. At present, the function integration and front-end integration trend of the global electronic foreign exchange trading platform have mushroomed rapidly, and are making progress in cloud computing and big data application. However, the electronic trading system of China's foreign exchange industry obviously lags behind that of foreign countries. It is still in its infancy and at least five years behind the international level. Therefore, it is very important and feasible to develop a foreign exchange business management system for further improving electronic and networked trading functions and forming foreign exchange supply chain finance with external disputes.
This foreign exchange business management system adopts micro-service architecture design and is vertically divided into four micro-services according to business functions. Individual micro services are deployed in separate servers and coordinate with each other through a lightweight communication mechanism (http-based Restful API) to provide the ultimate value to users. In terms of Security, JWT (JSON Web Token) is used to integrate Spring Security framework to build a single sign-on platform for user authentication and authorization authentication. In MVC architecture design, SSH (Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate) technical framework is adopted to develop model-view-controller. In real-time log collection and analysis system, ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana) technical architecture is adopted to set up.
Key Words:  Foreign exchange business; Micro-service architecture; Single sign-on; SSH; ELK
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 系统实现的目的与意义 1
1.3 本论文的组织结构 1
第二章 开发技术简介 2
2.1 Spring Cloud 微服务框架 2
2.2 SSH框架 2
2.3 Spring Security安全框架 2
2.4 WebSocket协议 2
2.5 ELK日志框架 2
2.6 开发工具 3
第三章 系统需求分析 4
3.1 功能需求分析 4
3.2 非功能需求分析 22
第四章 系统设计 24
4.1 系统架构设计 24
4.2 系统功能详细设计 31
4.3 数据库设计 34
第五章 实现与测试 42
5.1 系统实现 42
5.2 系统测试 56
第六章 结论 61
6.1 工作总结 61
6.2 展望 61
致谢 62
参考文献 63

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