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基于威胁情报基础库的关联关系可视化 毕业论文+vue项目源码+运行说明+演示视频
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摘 要
(2)提出威胁情报数据关联关系可视化布局算法:针对威胁情报数据多维度、多源、数据异构的特性,采用单级力引导布局算法,引入模拟退火算法有效避免节点无用震荡, 使用 D3.js 实现多源异构数据的交互式关联钻取和一件溯源功能。从提高算法效率和优化布局效果两个方面对算法进行改进。
(3)搭建威胁情报可视化系统:前端使用 vue.js 搭建数据驱动的 web 界面渐进式框架,vuex 做状态管理,vue-router 做路径切换,vue-resource 做数据通信,WebSocket 做全双工通信,D3.js 实现可视化展示与交互,element-UI 实现组件快速开发。
Visualization of Association Relationships Based on Threat Intelligence Base
The analysis of threat intelligence is an important prerequisite for network security protection and network attack tracing. However, the traditional analysis method is not enough to reflect the real situation of complex network data. Only by combining expert analysis mode and interactive visualization technology can help the analysis better understanding of the complex relationship between network data. The existing visualization results are not enough rich and effective, the node layout time is longer and the layout of the figure is poor. In this paper, we design and implement the interactive associated drilling technology of threat intelligence multi-source heterogeneous data, and use visualization to show the development of implicit information and threat in the data, to improve the efficiency of the security analyst by interpreting the threat intelligence. The main work of the paper includes the following aspects:
(1)) Summarize the visualization requirements of threat intelligence: investigate the research results of well-known threat intelligence vendors and academics in threat intelligence visualization and analysis technology, and optimize the thesis from multi-dimensional, multi- source heterogeneous data node layout and interactive strategy.
(2)Proposed threat data association relationship visualization algorithm: Aiming at the characteristics of multi-dimensional, multi-source heterogeneous data of threat intelligence, a single-level force-directed layout algorithm is introduced. the introduction of simulated annealing algorithm effectively avoid the node useless shock, and the use of D3.js achieve heterogeneous data interactive drill and a traceability function. The algorithm is improved in two aspects: optimizing the layout effect and improving the efficiency of the algorithm.
(3)Build a threat intelligence visualization system: front-end use vue.js to build data- driven framework, vuex to do state management, vue-router to do path switching, vue-resource to do data communication, WebSocket to do full duplex communication, D3.js to achieve visual display and interaction, element-UI to achieve rapid development of components.
The experimental results show that this paper uses the interactive correlation drilling visualization analysis technology to realize the hierarchical correlation drilling for threat intelligence data, load asynchronously multi-source heterogeneous based on force-directed graph, and improve the stability of graph layout by Force-SA Algorithm.
Key Words:Threat Intelligence;Visualization;Associated Drilling;Force-SA Algorithm
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
1.3相关工作 2
1.4主要研究内容以及贡献 6
1.5文章结构安排 7
2威胁情报与可视化技术 8
2.1威胁情报概念及研究现状 8
2.1.1威胁情报概念 8
2.1.2威胁情报研究现状 8
2.2图可视化概念及面临问题 9
2.2.1图可视化概念 9
2.2.2图可视化面临的问题 9
2.3图布局算法综述 11
2.3.1图布局美学标准 11
2.3.2单级力引导布局算法 12
3关联关系可视化布局算法实现 15
3.1威胁情报关联关系可视化需求分析 15
3.2威胁情报关联关系可视化设计 16
3.2.1威胁情报关联关系可视化框架 16
3.2.2威胁情报数据读取 17
3.2.3威胁情报关联关系可视化流程 19
3.3关系图布局算法实现和优化 20
3.3.1力引导模型 20
3.3.2模拟退火算法 22
3.3.3力引导-退火算法优化 23
3.4数据动态加载设计与实现 25
4威胁情报可视化系统设计 29
4.1威胁情报可视化系统功能需求分析 29
4.2威胁情报可视化系统框架设计 30
4.2.1设计原则 30
4.2.2平台架构设计 30
4.3使用技术介绍 32
4.3.1Vue.js 32
4.3.2Vuex 33
4.3.3Vue-router 34
4.3.4Vue-resource 35
4.3.5WebSocket 35
4.3.6 D3.js 35
4.3.7Element-UI 36
4.3.8Vue-cli 36
5威胁情报可视化系统实现与测试 37
5.1用户登录模块 37
5.2情报查询模块 38
5.3可视分析模块 39
5.3.1关联钻取功能实现 39
5.3.2一件溯源功能实现 43
5.3.2 力引导-退火算法测试 43
5.4情报维护模块 44
5.4.1情报导入导出功能 44
5.4.2情报添加功能 45
5.5情报统计模块 46
6总结与展望 47
6.1本文工作总结 47
6.2本文研究工作展望 47
6.2.1存在不足 47
6.2.3 今后改进的方向 47
参 考 文 献 48
致 谢 50

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