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郑州市金奕华建设单位办公楼设计 计算说明书(论文).doc+施工组织设计+建筑结构cad图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
关键词: 建筑设计,结构设计,框架,配筋,施工
The commercial office building is located in the north of Cultural Avenue of Zhoukou High-tech Industrial Development Zone.Building design and structure design in strict accordance with the current national specifications such as Code for the Design of Office Buildings (JGJ67-2006), Code for Fire Prevention of Buildings (GB50016-2006), Code for Loading (GB50009-2001), Code for the Design of Concrete Structures (GB50010-2002), Code for the Design of Building Foundation (GB50007-2002), and Seismic Design Code (GB50011-2001).The time quota in the construction organization design shall be applied according to the 99 quota in Henan Province.
This design first designs the plane and facade of the building, then calculates the foundation, beams, boards, and columns, and finally conducts the construction organization design and construction site plane design.The whole design meets the current national specifications.During the design process, Tianzhu 7.0 and AutoCAD2014 software were used for architectural design, easy structural software was used to calculate basic reinforcement, beam and column reinforcement of the whole project were calculated with Guangxia 10.0 building structure CAD software, and the construction network drawing was drawn with Menglong 2006 software.The design has certain reliability, safety and creativity.
The cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure of this project includes building structure selection, building load calculation, frame reinforcement calculation, foundation calculation, and stair calculation.Among them, during the building load calculation process, the vertical load is calculated by iterative method, and the horizontal load is calculated by D value method. The control internal force of a frame structure is determined through the load combination, and finally the reinforcement of a frame was completed, and a frame reinforcement map is hand-drawn.
Keywords : architectural design, structural design, frame, reinforcement, construction
目  录
1  绪论 1
1.1   设计目的和意义 1
1.2  工程概况 1
1.3  设计规范、规程 1
1.4  材料选用 1
2  结构布置及梁柱截面估算 2
2.1   结构布置 2
2.2  计算框架梁、柱截面尺寸估算 3
2.3  梁柱线刚度计算及框架计算简图确定 3
2.3.1  梁柱线刚度计算 3
2.3.2  计算简图 4
3  荷载计算 6
3.1   恒载标准值计算 6
3.2  活荷载标准值计算 7
4  竖向荷载下框架受荷总图 8
4.1  A-B轴间 8
4.1.1  屋面板传荷 8
4.1.2  楼面板传荷 8
4.2  B-C轴间 8
4.2.1  屋面板传荷 8
4.3  A轴柱集中荷载 9
4.4  B轴柱集中荷载 10
4.5  C轴柱集中荷载 10
5  风荷载计算 13
5.1   集中风荷载标准值 13
5.2  风荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 13
5.2.1  框架在风荷载(从左向右吹)下的内力用D值法进行计算 13
5.2.2  框架各柱的杆端弯矩、梁端弯矩计算 14
5.3  各层柱的D值计算 14
5.4  框架柱反弯点位置 15
6  竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 18
7  内力组合 37
7.1   梁柱内力组合 37
8  框架梁、柱配筋 53
8.1   框架梁配筋 53
8.2  框架柱的配筋 55
8.3  框架柱抗剪承载力计算 58
9  基础配筋计算 59
9.1  基础底面积计算 59
9.1.1  阶梯形基础 59
10  楼梯计算 65
10.1  梯段板计算 65
10.2  梯段梁计算 66
11  施工组织设计 67
11.1  工程概论 67
11.1.1  工程总体说明 67
11.1.2  土建工程概况 67
11.2  工程特点和注意 67
11.3  施工条件 67
11.4  施工准备 68
11.4.1  技术准备 68
11.4.2  生产准备 68
11.4.3  劳动力准备 68
11.5  施工方案 69
11.5.1  确定施工方案 69
11.5.2  施工的起点流向 69
11.5.3  施工段的划分 69
11.5.4  施工流程 70
11.6  主体结构施工方法 71
11.6.1  模板工程 71
11.6.2  钢筋工程 72
11.6.3  混凝土工程 73
11.6.4  装修工程施工方法 74
11.6.5  砌体工程 75
11.6.6  门窗工程 76
11.7  单位工程持续时间 77
11.8  网络图绘制 83
11.9  资源计划 84
11.9.1  劳动力需要计划 84
11.9.2  施工机具设备需要计划 84
11.9.3  施工计量器具的投入 84
11.10  施工平面图设计 85
11.11  技术组织措施 85
11.11.1  保证工程质量措施 85
11.12  文明施工措施 87
11.13  安全生产措施 88
11.13.1  安全生产措施规定 88
11.14  技术经济措施 91
结论 92
参考文献 93
致谢 94

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