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基于大数据的工业设备故障诊断模型设计 毕业论文+任务书+选题表+开题报告+中期表+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+查重报告+cad图纸+SolidWorks三维图+项目源码及可执行文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
As the computer hardware rapidly develops at a rate consistent with Moore's Law, the cost of computer data storage, data transmission, and distributed computing has been greatly Reduced. In the modern factories, a large number of sensors are often arranged, and as the cost of storage decreases, the read device information becomes more abundant, and thus a large amount of industrial data will be generated.
For this change, many countries around the world have put forward corresponding measures in succession. Initially, Germany proposed the concept of "Industry 4.0". After the United States introduced the "Industrial Internet," China has also successively introduced the concept of "Made in China 2025." Its core points to intelligent manufacturing. Industrial big data technology is a core part of these contents.
During the operation of industrial equipment, natural wear, equipment overload, improper operation, and other reasons can cause the performance of the equipment to drop, and even result in failure or abnormality. By adding sensors to the equipment for monitoring, obtaining real-time information from the equipment and combing calculations, the real-time running status of various parts of the equipment can be obtained, thereby realizing the monitoring of the equipment. If there is a device failure, you can perform data mining and cleaning on the historical data to form a fault model and import the latest operating data of the device for fault diagnosis.
The equipment fault diagnosis methods can be divided into three types according to the diagnosis basis: based on the mechanism model method, based on the data-driven method, based on the knowledge engineering method. This article will use a classification-based approach based on a Data-Driven approach to build a fault model. At the same time, in order to compare the performance of different classification methods, this paper uses two classification methods to compare.
The main research work and achievements of this article are as follows:
(1) Establish a fault diagnosis model based on decision tree algorithm, and study the differences between ID3 and C4.5;
(2) A Data-Driven approach based on Support Vector Machines(SVM) is implemented. The core principle of SVM is studied. The classification and detection of SVM is performed based on the health data and fault data of the wind turbine gearbox, and a simple fault diagnosis is realized.
(3) Compare the running time of two strategies, the accuracy rate of fault diagnosis, and some other performance metrics.
Key Words:Fault Diagnosis; Industrial Big Data; Data-Driven Method; Decision Tree; Support Vector Machine
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1   绪论 1
1.1  选题背景和意义 1
1.2  国内外研究现况及发展趋势 2
1.2.1  国内研究现状 2
1.2.2  国外研究现状 2
1.3   主要研究内容 3
2   故障诊断的总体设计方案 4
2.1  故障模型的要求 4
2.2  决策树建立故障树模型 4
2.2.1  信息熵 4
2.2.2  信息增益 5
2.2.3  ID3算法 5
2.3  支持向量机二分类原理 8
2.3.1  SVM原理 8
2.3.2  对偶问题 11
2.3.3  SVM核函数 13
3   具体方案设计 16
3.1  数据获取 16
3.2  数据存取 17
3.2.1  本地环境 17
3.2.2  大数据平台环境 19
3.3  决策树实现 21
3.3.1  连续属性值离散化 21
3.3.2  样本初始化 23
3.3.3  生成决策树 25
3.3.4  数据测试类 29
3.4  支持向量机实现 30
3.5  人机交互界面设计 32
3.5.1  界面组件介绍 33
3.5.2  操作命令介绍 34
3.5.3  适用场景 36
4   性能分析 38
4.1  性能度量 38
4.2  决策树性能度量 39
4.3  支持向量机性能度量 40
5   结论 42
5.1  全文总结 42
5.2  展望 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45
附录 48

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