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基于Python深度学习的文字检测识别系统 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文翻译+软件使用说明书+源码及数据集
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

识别部分则采用的是Densenet + CTC,对于印刷体的文字有较好的识别。
The words is an important tool for human beings to exchange information. Today, with the continuous development of science, technology and the Internet, great changes have taken place in the way or carrier of text. The text is no longer confined to writing, but is even more marked with signs and banners. Billboards and so forth appear in our lives, or rather, they are text messages in pictures. Using computer to detect and recognize these information will bring great convenience to our life. For example, autopilot technology recognizes roadside signs, license plate recognition in parking lots, scanning for ID information, and so on.
This topic belongs to the computer vision target detection and recognition, the object is the natural scene of a variety of text information, commonly said is to detect and recognize the text information in the picture. Because of the particularity of the text, the whole process of extracting information can be divided into two parts: detection and recognition.
The paper introduces and analyzes the relevant technical concepts, such as machine learning, in-depth learning, and a variety of network models and their working principles.
The detection part uses horizontal detection text line for text detection, mainly referring to the CTPN method of teacher Qiaoyu team, and in the text part, from the model making to the design and implementation of neural network, the system is analyzed and introduced in detail.
In the part of recognition, Densenet + CTC is used, which has a good recognition of printed text.
Keywords: deep learning; text detection; character recognition; CTPN;Densenet; CTC
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景依据 1
1.2 目前的研究现状 1
2技术相关 2
2.1 tensorflow框架 2
2.2 OpenCV 2
2.3 DenseNet(Dense Convolutional Network) 3
2.4 CTC(Connectionist temporal classification) 4
2.5 faster-rcnn框架 4
2.5.1 RPN 4
2.5.2 Fast R-CNN 5
3深度学习基础概念 6
3.1卷积 6
3.2 池化 7
3.3 Padding(填充) 8
3.4卷积神经网络 8
3.5 VGG16模型 9
3.6 LSTM模型 10
4  系统详细设计 13
4.1 基本流程概述 13
4.2 图像预处理 14
4.3模型训练 14
4.3.1 数据集制作 14
4.3.2 模型制作 15
4.4 文本检测 16
4.4.1 检测过程综述 17
4.4.2 feature map(W*H*C) 17
4.4.3 滑窗 19
4.4.4 BLSTM 19
4.4.5 全连接 19
4.4.6 text proposals 19
4.4.7 文本线构造 20
4.5 文本识别 20
4.5.1 densenet 20
4.5.2 CTC 21
5 实验结果 22
5.1 数据来源 22
5.2 软件硬件环境 22
5.3 判断标准 23
5.4 CTPN在ICDAR 2011、ICDAR 2013、ICDAR 2015库的检测结果 24
5.5 检测识别结果样例 24
5.6检测识别结果分析 25
6 总结 26
6.1 总结 26
6.2 展望 26

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