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网带输送机的设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+cad图纸+Solid Works三维图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
关键词:食品机械;食品输送机;网带输送机;CAD;Solid Works
This design sets the background as the fried food processing industry, under which the fried food mesh belt conveyor is produced.On the basis of the constantly changing network belt conveyor, fried food network belt conveyor began to develop.In terms of conveying materials and traction workparts, the traditional mesh belt conveyor passes through duct tape, sail belt, fiber belt and chemical fiber belt, which is very similar to the fried food mesh belt conveyor.Different from other machines, the transport machine that undertakes materials can also be used as a guide for power transmission, which is the most essential difference between fried food mesh belt delivery machinery and other machinery.A small conveyor machine is the main content of the fried food net belt conveyor design, this machine generally bear load capacity requirements are lower, compared with other mesh belt belt conveyor price is lower, in terms of structure is also compact.
The design of the net belt conveyor is widely used in the food machinery industry.The topic is mainly used for fried food feeding, mainly from low to high feeding.In the design, we strive to be the overall breakthrough, and we have calculated and designed the drive part and drive part of the fried food network belt transport machinery.For the drive, in calculation and design, we use the reducer-motor device as the drive, the idea is to connect the drive to the synchronous pulley.In addition, the selection design of roller roller and roller in the device is also reflected in this design.
Key words: food machinery; food conveyor; belt conveyor; CAD; Solid Works
目  录
摘  要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 绪论 4
1.1选题背景及意义 4
1.2 国内外网带输送机的发展与现状 5
1.2.1国外网带输送机技术的现状 5
1.2.2 国内网带输送机发展的现状 5
1.2.3 大型网带输送机的关键核心技术上的差距 6
1.3油炸食品网带输送机的特点 7
1.4油炸食品网带输送机的应用 8
1.5 研究主要内容 8
第2章 油炸食品网带输送机总体方案设计 10
2.1 油炸食品网带输送机设计任务书 10
2.1.1原始数据 10
2.1.2设计要求 10
2.1.3技术要求 11
2.2 方案设计 11
2.3 波状挡边网带输送机的特点 12
第3章 油炸食品网带输送机结构设计 14
3.1挡边带设计 14
3.1.1 基带 15
3.1.2 波状挡边 15
3.1.3 横隔板 16
3.2布置形式设计 17
3.2.1 布置形式的类型 17
3.2.2凹凸弧度的设计 17
3.3部件选型设计 20
3.3.1皮带总拉力及运行功率计算 21
3.3.2滚筒的选择及设计 23
3.3.3改向滚筒的设计 24
3.3.4托辊的设计 27
3.3.5拉紧装置 29
3.3.6清扫装置 29
3.3.7机架 30
第4章 安装与维护 31
4.1网带输送机参数 31
4.2部件安装及检测 31
4.3电气及安全保护装置简介 32
4.4运转维护中的注意事项 33
第5章 油炸食品网带输送机Solid Works三维造型 34
5.1 Solid Works简介 34
5.2 主要零件的三维造型 35
5.3 网带输送机的装配与分析 35
总  结 39
致  谢 40
参考文献 41
附  录 43

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