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基于Python的语音识别系统的设计与实现 毕业论文+演示视频+参考文献+项目源码及数据
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

The Design and Implementation of the Speech Recognition System Based on Python
With the development of the Internet, voice files have become more and more accessible files.How to efficiently extract the key information from a recording, extract the content that people are interested in, and intuitively present it to the door.This paper takes DFSMN as an acoustic model and introduces the TensorFlowr model to transform speech recognition into a translation task, which has certain theoretical significance and research value.
This paper describes several mainstream deep learning models in the field of speech recognition.According to the deep learning theory, the overall scheme of the TensorFlow-based continuous speech learning system is designed.Focus on the shortcomings of speech feature extraction method and language model TensorFlow, and optimize the feature extraction method and language model.
For Mer frequency inversion coefficient characteristics (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient, MFCC) has the problem of weak speech information representation ability in the deep model, Introduce a log-Mayer filter group ((Log MelFilter-bank, Fbank) features combined with convolutional neural networks (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN) The feature extraction method for reextraction, Combined with DFSMN to construct the acoustic model CNN-DFSMN, Realize the voice to pinyin task.The experimental results show that the feature extraction method of Fbank feature extraction has stronger representation ability and lower character error rate (Character Error Rate, CER).
An attention computational improvement method based on Hadamard matrix is proposed for the problems that language model TensorFlowr has complex computation and insufficient model generalization ability.This method uses the Hadamard matrix generated with different threshold values to generate a new attention matrix.Experimental results show that the improved TensorFlow model using the Hadmard matrix has both reduced recognition time and CER of the language model compared with the initial TensorFlowr model. Key words: Python, speech recognition, speech processing, TensorFlow, model
Key words: Haojing College of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology,Undergraduates
摘 要
针对梅尔频率倒谱系数特征(Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient, MFCC)在深度模型里存在语音信息表征能力弱的问题,提出一种对数梅尔滤波组((Log MelFilter-bank, Fbank)特征结合卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN)再提取的特征提取方法,并和DFSMN结合构建声学模型CNN-DFSMN,实现语音转拼音任务。实验结果表明,Fbank特征结合CNN再提取的特征提取方法与其他特征提取方法相比,语音信息表征能力更强,模型的字符错误率(Character Error Rate, CER)更低。
目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 语音识别中声学模型研究现状 2
1.2.2 语音识别中语言模型研究现状 3
1.3 主要研究内容 4
2 语音识别系统需求分析 5
2.1 商务需求 5
2.2 教育需求 6
2.3 刑侦需求 6
2.4 国家安全需求 6
3 语音识别系统方案设计 8
3.1 语音信号的预处理 8
3.2 语音识别系统的分类 8
3.2.1 基于概率模型的语音识别系统 8
3.2.2 端到端语音识别系统 9
3.3 语音特征的提取 9
3.4 语音模型的构建 10
4 语音识别系统实现 12
4.1 系统介绍 12
4.2 语音数据集介绍 12
4.2.1 不同人的声音 12
4.2.2 每人不同单词的发音 12
4.2.3 声音波形 13
4.3 代码功能实现 13
4.3.1 项目思路 13
4.3.2 依赖环境及代码目录 13
4.3.3 数据读取与预处理(data_create.py) 14
4.3.4 语音数据分帧及mfcc处理(data_create.py) 15
4.3.5 模型构建(model.py) 16
4.3.6 模型训练(model_train.py) 20
4.3.7 模型评估(model_test.py) 20
4.3.8 模型训练可视化 21
4.3.9 模型预测(func_test.py) 22
结  论 25
致  谢 26
参考文献 27

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