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绞纲机液压系统设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+外文翻译及原文+查重版论文+答辩PPt+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
关键词:蜗轮蜗杆; 液压绞纲机;模拟仿真
Vertical winch is the most widely used winching equipment when fishing along the coast in Zhejiang Province. Since the 50's onwards,it is developed by Zhejiang Marine Fisheries Research Institute and Zhoushan shipyard.It is used 50 years. Compared with the horizontal,it is not restricted in the direction,and the structure is simple,the operation is easy, the ship crews can repair the winches by themselves;in addition, because the price is moderate,and it has long time to be used,so it is welcomed by the majority of fishermen.
With the rapid development of fishing production, the fishing boats upgrade. The original winch can not content the need of modern fishing boat any more. The disadvantage about instability of mechanical transmission,inconvenience of operation control, small tension and slow speeding is increasingly exposed. In recent years, with the development of basic industries, manufacturing of hydraulic components is more mature.Under the same power conditions, compared with the mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission has a series of advantages like the volume is small, the structure is compact, weight is light, transmission power is bigger, and it can automatically prevent overload,and it also have the variable speed operation,but taking into account coast issues and the practical factors in all kinds of aspects,in order to be accepted by the majority of fisherman, in this design, combining the hydraulic and mechanical method to improve the power transmission and control system of vertical winch.First,hydraulic control replace the traditional mechanical transmission.Then designing and calculating the winch’deceleration system. Finally, making the  three-dimensional modeling machine, and make a motion simulation to the entire unit .
     The design involves a wide range, I test the knowledge learned tested in four years of the college,I believe that this design help me review the overall professional knowledge better.
Keywords : hydraulic transmission;hydraulic turbine control system;hydraulic steel cutter machine;simulation
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1选题背景及意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究主要内容及章节安排 2
2 液压控制系统的设计 3
2.1压力级的选择 3
2.2 液压回路的设计 4
2.2.1 回路设计方案一 4
2.2.2 回路设计方案二 5
3 传动机构的设计 8
3.1传动方案的确定 8
3.2油泵和液压马达的选择 8
3.2.1 液压马达的选择 8
3.2.2 液压泵的选择 10
3.3 液压阀的选择 13
3.3.1溢流阀的选择 13
3.3.2 换向阀的选择 13
3.4 传动比的选择以及各轴的参数计算 13
3.4.1 计算各轴转速 14
3.4.2 各轴的输入功率 14
3.4.3 各轴的输出功率计算 14
3.4.4 各轴输入转矩计算 14
3.4.5运动和动力参数计算结果整理 15
4 蜗轮蜗杆的设计计算 16
4.1蜗杆传动类型和材料的选择 16
4.1.1蜗杆传动类型的确定 16
4.1.2选择材料 16
4.2 设计方法的确定 16
4.3 蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数的选择与计算 18
4.3.1 蜗杆参数的设计与计算 18
4.3.2  蜗轮参数的设计与计算 18
4.4 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 19
5 轴的设计计算 21
5.1 输入轴(轴I)的设计 21
5.1.1 确定输出轴上的功率,转速和转距 21
5.1.2  求作用在轴上的力 21
5.1.3 初步确定轴的最小直径 21
5.1.4 轴的结构设计 22
5.1.5 轴的校核计算 23
5.2 输出轴(轴II)的设计计算 25
5.2.1 确定输出轴上的功率,转速和转距 25
5.2.2 求作用在轴上的力 25
5.2.3 初步确定轴的最小直径 25
5.2.4 轴的结构设计 25
5.2.5 轴II的校核计算 27
6 轴承的校核计算 29
6.1 输入轴轴承的设计与校核 29
6.1.1 初选单列圆锥滚子轴承 29
6.1.2 计算径向力  轴向力 29
6.1.3 计算轴向派生力 29
6.1.4 计算轴承的轴向载荷 29
6.1.5 计算当量载荷 30
6.1.6 轴承寿命计算 30
6.2 低速级轴承的设计与计算 31
6.2.1 初选单列圆锥滚子轴承 31
6.2.2 计算径向力   轴向力 31
6.2.3 计算轴向派生力 31
6.2.4 计算轴承得轴向载荷 31
6.2.5 计算当量载荷 32
6.2.6 轴承寿命计算 32
7 键的选择与校核 33
7.1 键的选择 33
7.1.1 根据轴的直径选择键 33
7.1.2 校核键的承载能力 34
8 箱体结构的设计计算 35
结  论 37
致  谢 38
参考文献 39
附录A 译文 41
附录B 外文文献 45

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