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我为家乡做贡献-外来民工廉租房建筑结构设计 计算书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文翻译及原文+建筑结构CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





With the construction of multi-storey low-rent housing in China, the architectural structure design of multi-storey housing has gradually attracted widespread attention, especially the housing economy, practicality, seismic resistance, structural design, the selection and use of materials and other aspects of the attention.This article contributes to my hometown-migrant workers low-rent housing construction design description, including two architectural design and structural design parts.The project is a reinforced concrete cast-in-place frame structure, and the floor can adopt a cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure.The foundation may be a shallow or pile foundation.

The building design adopts the standard of low-wage housing according to the requirements of the mission statement for migrant workers.Considering the environment, use characteristics, house selection, materials and architectural art, etc., determine the design scheme, make architectural drawings.Structural design calculation includes preliminary estimation of section size, derivation of various loads, frame strength calculation, load combination, section design, reinforcement calculation, stair design, and foundation design.The framework internal force calculation includes the internal force calculation under the horizontal seismic force, and the vertical constant loads and live loads.When calculating the horizontal seismic effect, the vertex displacement method is used to determine the natural oscillation period, the floor shear method is used to calculate the floor seismic shear force, and the "D value method" is used to calculate the frame force.Below-horizontal seismic activity.The calculation of the frame under normal load adopts quadratic distribution of bending moment.After the in-frame force calculation, the load combination and the most unfavorable load combination are selected for cross section design.This paper mainly starts with the frame structure and seismic resistance of multi-storey low-rent housing, and discusses the building structure design of multi-storey low-rent housing.

Key words: low-rent housing; frame structure; architectural design; structural design; reinforced concrete

目    录

摘  要


引  言

1 建筑设计说明

1.1 工程概况

1.2 工程规模

1.3 设计参数

1.4 设计依据

1.5 规范要求

1.6 构造设计

2 结构设计说明

2.1 工程概况


2.1.2 设计依据

2.1.3 建筑材料

2.2 结构布置及截面尺寸初估

2.2.1 柱网布置

2.2.2 计算简图

2.2.3 初步确定梁柱的尺寸

2.3 竖向荷载计算

2.3.1 恒荷载标准值计算

2.3.2 活荷载标准值

2.3.3 竖向荷载作用下框架受载总图

2.4 横向框架侧移刚度计算

2.5 水平地震作用计算


2.5.2  横向地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算

2.6  横向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算


2.6.2 风荷载作用下的水平位移验算


2.7 竖向荷载作用下框架结构内力

2.7.1 固端弯矩计算

2.7.2 分配系数计算

2.7.3 弯矩分配

2.7.4  横梁跨中弯矩计算

2.7.5 梁端剪力及柱轴力

2.8 横向框架内力组合

2.8.1 结构抗震等级

2.8.2 框架梁内力组合

2.8.3 框架柱内力组合

2.9 截面设计

2.9.1 框架梁

2.9.2 框架柱

2.10 楼梯设计

2.10.1 梯段板设计

2.10.2 平台板设计

2.10.3 平台梁设计

2.11 基础设计

2.11.1 初步确定基础尺寸

2.11.2 基础受冲切承载力验算(采用荷载基本组合)

2.11.3 配筋计算(采用荷载基本组合)

结  论


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