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基于混合着色算法的GPU异步图计算系统 硕士毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
Large-scale graph computing has become an important part of big data processing. It can be found whether in the social networks, Web applications, or biological information networks. And research on graph processing systems becomes one of the hot fields of High Performance Computing (HPC). With the development of GPGPU technology, it becomes a trend that GPU is used to accelerate the graph processing. However, current GPU based graph computing systems are developed based on the synchronous processing model, which needs a barrier to complete the data synchronization after each iteration of the execution. These systems cannot make full use of GPU computing resources because of the unbalanced data partitioning. And the overhead of data synchronization is huge, which also slows the convergence speed of graph algorithms.
The graph computing system Frog is based on the asynchronous processing model. Frog does not need the data synchronization barrier. And Frog solves the problem that synchronous systems cannot make full use of GPU computing resources and slow the convergence speed of graph algorithms. Firstly, Frog uses asynchronous model to avoid the overhead of data synchronization barrier and ensures the graph processing consistency at the same time. Secondly, Frog adopts a novel data partitioning strategy, which colors all vertices of the input graph and assigns some vertices into the hybrid chunk to ensure enough computing tasks for each GPU kernel. So Frog can improve the utilization of GPU parallel computing resources. Finally, Frog accelerates the transfer speed of messages of updated vertices. As all vertices are able to access to the latest updates inside the current iteration, Frog accelerates the convergence speed of graph algorithms. In addition, by dividing graphs into a number of sub graphs adapted to the memory size, Frog can process graphs with the scale out of the GPU device memory.
We design the system Frog based on the CUDA programming framework and provide some open APIs so that users can conveniently complete the graph processing on Frog. Experiments based on real-world graphs show that Frog outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches by over 3.2X. And for out-of-GPU-memory graphs that cannot be processed by other systems, Frog achieves a speedup of 5.3X than other CPU-based graph computing systems.
Key words: graph computing, GPU, data partitioning, asynchronous processing model
目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1  绪  论
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 国内外研究现状 (3)
1.3 主要研究内容 (7)
1.4 文章框架结构 (8)
2  Frog系统框架
2.1 图计算编程模型 (10)
2.2 编程模型问题分析 (12)
2.3 Frog系统架构 (14)
2.4 数据结构和编程接口 (17)
2.5 小结 (19)
3  数据划分策略
3.1 数据划分策略分析 (20)
3.2 混合着色算法 (22)
3.3 预处理和数据流管理 (26)
3.4 小结 (27)
4  异步执行与迭代处理
4.1 数据一致性与异步执行 (29)
4.2 图算法迭代处理 (31)
4.3 GPU调度优化 (33)
4.4 小结 (34)
5  系统测试与性能分析
5.1 实验设置、测试数据集和算法 (35)
5.2 Frog系统性能测试与分析 (36)
5.3 小结 (42)
6  总结与展望 (43)
致  谢 (45)
参考文献 (47)

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