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基于Html和GO语言实现的分布式类地球模拟系统 毕业论文+外文翻译及原文+源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





关键词: 模拟现实,分布式系统,去中心化,区块链

Distributed Earthlike Simulation System


This paper presents a design of a distributed Earth-like virtual system and discusses its specific principles and implementation details. Under the constraints of today's technical conditions and hardware conditions, it is not yet realistic to create a virtual world. However, with the help of distributed and decentralized related technologies and reasonable architecture and design, it is possible to build an analog system, which is large enough scale, able to load enough users, and strong enough scalability.

By evenly distribute points on the sphere and divide the countless polygon blocks according to them, and the projection of the surface to the plane in block units, a sphere map model with a realistic scale greater than 100% can be established. From the user's point of view, numerous relatively tiny blocks on the sphere model are infinitely close to the plane, thus achieving the goal of “large enough scale”. Then by setting up a stochastic generation algorithm that can delay, parallel, and multiple origin calculations and loads, hidden all the terrain data of the entire model in the random algorithm, the data volume problem of this scale level is solved. It is also constrained and modified with reference to some existing earth parameters to ensure that the model is sufficiently large and sufficient reasonable.

With a distributed architecture, a Peer-to-Peer network is built to distribute the computational and storage pressures of the system to this decentralized cluster. then it can break through the bottleneck of the stand-alone or centralized cluster, make the system have enough ability to deal with the expected and even theoretically unlimited number of users, so that achieved "a sufficient load of users". In addition, the decentralized architecture makes the system difficult to predict and control. It needs blockchain consensus and some encryption authentication technologies to prevent the forgery and tampering of important data. By building blockchains to maintain important data and encrypting the privacy content with reference to the ssh-rsa protocol, this distributed decentralized system is guaranteed to operate in an orderly manner.

While completing the system theory design, I also attempted to actually complete a demo based on the Go programming language and personally verified the feasibility of some technical details. This paper will also discuss these in detail, and for some technical difficulties, give some default implementation or discuss possible solutions.

Key Words: simulated reality, distributed system, decentralized, blockchain

目   录

摘  要


1 引  言

2 需求与架构

2.1 需求分析

2.1.1 什么是“模拟现实”

2.1.2 为什么要模拟“类地球”

2.2 文献综述

2.2.1 分布系统与去中心化

2.2.2 地形生成与球面划分

2.3 技术架构

2.3.1 理论与原理

2.3.2 算法与工具

3 设计与实现

3.1 客观模块

3.1.1 数值拟合

3.1.2 球面建模

3.1.3 地形生成

3.2 主观模块

3.2.1 区块链与共识

3.2.2 数据缓存与交换

3.3 辅助模块

3.3.1 服务端

3.3.2 客户端

3.3.3 公共类库

4 成果与分析

4.1 成果验证

4.1.1 服务器

4.1.2 Web页面

4.1.3 桌面App

4.2 分析改进

4.3 下一步的畅想

5 结  论


致  谢

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