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基于J2EE的蛋白质磷酸化修饰的文本信息挖掘系统 毕业论文+文献搜索工具资料整理+答辩PPT+源码及实验材料
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Nowadays, The number of published medical literature on Pubmed document retrieval system is very large, growth year after year. It is absolutely impossible to researchers manually discover knowledge among the Pubmed literatures. As a result, researchers turn to use the computer to acquire knowledge inside the literature.

This paper introduce how to acquire knowledge in Pubmed literature by using the technology of text mining and how to implement a text mining system for extracting protein phosphorylation information among Pubmed literature using the current text mining technology. This system is main used for extracting protein phosphorylation information among the Pubmed literatures such as substrate, kinases, sites, and relation among these substances. With the current text mining technology, I

This paper describes the waterfall model of software process about this system. First step is requirement, second step is design, and then implementation, step by step.In the step of implementation, there are four steps as follow: text preprocessing, named entity recognizeation, relationship extracting, Visualization. This paper highlights the principle and application of two very important steps in text mining: named entity recognization, and relationship extracting. At the same time, Abner tools and Rlims-p tools are also introduced in this paper. Moreover, the number of the Pubmed literatures in database is very large, and in order to improve the program  performance and user experience,this paper had introduced several method for improve the program performance and user experience such as multithreading, caching, preprocessing.

Keyword: Text mining, Software engineering, Pubmed, Multithreading

目  录



第一章 引言

1.1 概述

1.2 选题的背景和意义

第二章 入门概念

2.1 蛋白质以及翻译后修饰概述


2.3 Pubmed生物医学文献检索系统

第三章 需求分析和系统设计


3.2 需求分析

3.3 用户用例分析

3.4 系统设计

3.4.1 系统工作流程和场景

3.4.2 模块化设计

3.4.3 软件开发架构

3.4.4 开发环境

第四章 程序设计和系统实现

4.1 程序设计

4.2 文本数据源获取

4.3 文本预处理

4.4 命名实体识别和实体关系提取


4.4.2 ABNER命名实体识别工具

4.5 实体关系提取

4.5.1 关系提取概念

4.5.2 Rlims-p工具介绍及其工作原理

4.5.3 嵌入使用Rlims-p工具

4.6 多线程处理文档优化

4.7 文档预处理和缓存机制

第五章 数据库设计和数据可视化


5.2 数据可视化

第六章 总结及展望

6.1 总结

6.2 展望



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