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基于WEB的华农趣事平台的设计与实现(PHP+MySQL) 毕业论文初稿+终稿+参考文献+检测查重报告+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘        要


基于丰富华农师生校园生活和促进交流沟通以及便于华农师生分享趣事的需求出发,本文设计了一个基于Web的华农趣事平台。系统使用了基于Yaf(Yet Another Framework)框架的PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)作为后台开发语言和MVC(Model View Controller)架构模式,前端使用MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)框架语言Vue.js实现完全的前后端分离。以Apache作为Web服务器,选择采用MySql数据库对数据进行存储,为了保证用户信息安全采用了MD5(Message-Digest Algorithm 5)安全加密技术。设计了普通用户使用的趣事平台和供管理员用户对普通用户使用的趣事平台进行管理和规范的后台管理系统。趣事分享平台主要分为趣事展示、趣事操作、用户空间和信息设置四个主要功能模块,而后台管理系统主要分为趣事管理、评论管理、用户管理和管理员管理四个功能模块。


关键词:信息加密    趣事平台    Yaf框架    后台管理系统

Design and Implementation of the Web-based Fun Platform of SCAU

Abstract: We has arrived the "Internet plus" era, so the Internet is inseparable from our life, and with the progress and development of the Internet, people have begun to share information, share learning, and share their feelings on the Internet.

In order to enrich the teachers and students' campus life in South China Agricultural University and promote the communication and share fun, this paper designs a fun platform of SCAU. The system uses the YAF framework which based PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as the background development language and MVC (Model View Controller) schema model and use vue.js that is a front-end MVVM (Model-View-View Model) Framework language to achieve separation of front and rear ends and choose to use apache as a web server. In order to ensure the security of user information, it chooses to use the MySQL database to store data, and uses MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm 5) Security Encryption Technology. The common users are designed to use the Fun Platform and the administrators can manage it. The open platform is divided into four main function modules, which are the interesting display, the fun operation, the user space and the information set up. The management system is also divided into four functional modules, which are fun management, comments management, users management and administrators management.

Ordinary users can register, login and publish, comment, collect, like and reply to other people's comments. They can enter their own space to view their own publish, collections of anecdotes and others comments on their replies to the content, but also can modify their personal information. Administrators can create administrators, manage the fun and comments made by ordinary users, as well as manage ordinary users in the management system. They can also search for users, anecdotes, and comments based on user names, funny content, and comments. In addition to the completion of the platform as required to increase the function of optimizing the system, but there are still some problems that need to be further improved.

Key words: information encryption  fun platform  Yaf framework  background management system

目        录

1 前言



1.2.1 研究内容

1.2.2 论文结构

2 开发环境和相关技术简介

2.1 开发环境

2.2 相关技术简介

2.2.1 Yaf框架

2.2.2 Vue.js界面库

2.2.3 MVC架构模式

2.2.4 MVVM架构模式

2.2.5 localStorage本地存储

2.2.6 MD5算法

3 需求分析

3.1 概述

3.2 可行性分析

3.3 系统功能性需求

3.3.1 游客功能

3.3.2 普通用户功能

3.3.3 管理员功能

3.4 非功能性需求

4 概要设计

4.1 总体设计

4.2 设计思想

4.3 系统结构设计

4.4 系统功能设计

4.4.1 开放平台功能

4.4.2 后台系统功能

4.5 数据库设计

4.5.1 数据库ER图设计

4.5.2 数据库表设计

5 详细设计


5.1.1 session

5.1.2 数据库连接配置

5.1.3 localStorage前端存储

5.2 基本设计

5.2.1 ajax发起异步http请求

5.2.2 后台控制器controller 接口

5.2.3 后台模型model

5.2.4 上传图片

5.3 游客功能设计

5.3.1 注册

5.3.2 查看趣事

5.3.3 游客查看评论

5.3.4 查看他人的用户空间

5.4 普通用户功能设计

5.4.1 登陆

5.4.2 发布趣事

5.4.3 普通用户查看趣事

5.4.4 点赞趣事

5.4.5 踩趣事

5.4.6 评论趣事

5.4.7 回复评论

5.4.8 收藏和取消收藏趣事

5.4.9 修改个人信息

5.5 管理员用户功能设计

5.5.1 管理员登陆

5.5.2 后台系统头部功能

5.5.3 用户管理

5.5.4 趣事管理

5.5.5 评论管理

5.5.5 系统管理

6 结论与展望

6.1 结论

6.2 展望



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