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基于嵌入式AI技术的课堂考勤系统(YOLO和FaceNet) 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+中期检查表+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+参考文献
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





As a necessary part of college classroom, classroom attendance often takes up a lot of valuable classroom time of teachers and students. Because the efficiency of traditional manual attendance is low, and automatic attendance and mobile phone password attendance are easy to lead to false attendance and substitute attendance. Therefore, a set of intelligent classroom attendance system with fast recognition speed, high accuracy and high stability has been developed, which has certain practical significance.

Starting from the actual demand of class attendance, this paper implements a set of class attendance system based on embedded AI technology and face detection and feature recognition. The proposed system is composed of face recognition attendance equipment and PC upper computer software. Firstly, the face image information of the participants is obtained by IR-RGB dual-spectral camera and sent to the embedded AI processor K210 chip. After living face being detected by the face detection algorithm based on YOLO and the near infrared living body detection algorithm, the face recognition algorithm based on FACENET is used to implement feature vector mapping on the face image, through which the identity information of the target object is obtained according to comparison. The class attendance information statistics is realized through the steps above. The real-time wireless transmission of attendance information is achieved by using network communication processor ESP32 chip. Finally, the real-time attendance data is received, stored and displayed by the upper computer of the PC terminal. Experimental results show that the proposed system can complete the task of class attendance accurately and quickly, and avoid phenomenon of the pretended and substitute attendance effectively.

Key Words: Class attendance system; Embedded AI; Facial Recognition; You Only Look Once; FaceNet

目  录

第1章  绪论

1.1  研究背景及意义

1.2  国内外研究现状

1.3  本文的主要工作及论文结构

第2章  系统实现方案设计

2.1  引言

2.2  系统功能需求分析

2.3  硬件实现方案设计

2.4  软件实现方案设计

2.5  本章小结

第3章  人脸识别考勤算法设计及实现

3.1  引言

3.2  基于YOLO目标检测算法的人脸检测

3.3  基于近红外活体检测算法的活体判断

3.4  基于FaceNet人脸处理算法的人脸识别

3.5  算法流程及步骤

3.6  本章小结

第4章  系统硬件设计及实现

4.1  引言

4.2  人脸识别核心板

4.3  通信与供电底板

4.4  外观结构设计

4.5  本章小结

第5章  系统软件设计及实现

5.1  引言

5.2  PC端上位机软件

5.3  K210芯片固件

5.4  ESP32芯片固件

5.5  本章小结

第6章  实验测试与数据分析

6.1  引言

6.2  人脸识别考勤设备测试

6.2.1  算法性能测试

6.2.2  硬件性能测试

6.3  系统整体功能测试

6.4  本章小结

第7章  结论


致  谢

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