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基于Python对智能手机参数对市场份额影响分析 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文翻译及原文+代码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


【摘要】 随着科技的进步和消费习惯的改变,智能手机无法迅速占领全球手机市场。它的营销有其自身的特殊性。国内市场。目前国内智能手机市场正处于垄断竞争中,市场竞争十分激烈。资源的分配趋于合理,智能手机市场占有率趋于饱和。面对利润率的萎缩,制造商正在寻求正确的发展道路以求生存。



【关键词】  智能手机,主成份分析,Python

Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Smartphone Market Based on Python

【Abstract】 With the advancement of technology and the change in consumption habits, smartphones can't be imagined to quickly occupy the global mobile phone market. Its marketing has its own particularity in the domestic market. Now the domestic smart phone market is in monopoly competition, and the market competition is very fierce. The distribution of resources tends to be reasonable, and the smartphone market share tends to be saturated. In the face of shrinking profit margins, manufacturers are seeking the right development path to survive.

In this article, we focus on the six most popular smartphones on the market today. We analyze and classify project indicators based on screen, pixel, CPU, running memory, body memory, market share, and sales price with python. As a result, screens, pixels, CPUs, and running memory can be grouped into one category, market share and sales price, and body memory is divided into one category.

The purpose of this study is to understand the main placement parameters of the mobile phone more clearly by studying the factors affecting the mobile phone price. From the results, we can see that the factors that can be considered in the price are: the factors affecting the mobile phone price, the brand value of the mobile phone and the market share. For consumers, the first thing to consider when purchasing a mobile phone is to decide whether or not to pay extra for the mobile phone brand. cost of. For mobile phone manufacturers, if you want to sell products, and achieved good results, you can analyze the three elements of the price level, market share directly affects the size of the company's profits, thus affecting the brand value of mobile phone prices and brand value market share continues.

【Key Words】   Smartphone,Principal component analysis,Python

目 录

1 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 1

1.3.1 智能手机操作系统发展与专利 1

1.3.2 智能手机市场发展与经营策略 3

1.4 研究的内容与成果 4

2 主成份分析的综述 5

2.1 主成份分析的介绍 5

2.1.1 主成份分析的概念 5

2.1.2 主成份分析分析步骤 5

3 因子分析的综述 6

3.1 因子分析的介绍 6

3.1.1 因子分析的概念 6

3.1.2 因子分析分析步骤 6

4 python的介绍与应用 8

4.1 python的介绍 8

4.2 python常用库的介绍 9

5策略代码实现思路 10

5.1 原始数据的处理和标准化 10

5.2 智能手机最受消费者关注指标 13

5.3 分析结果 15

结 论 16

参考文献 17

附 录 18

(1)零均值化 18

(2)求协方差矩阵 18

(3)求特征值、特征矩阵 18

(4)保留主要的成分[即保留值比较大的前n个特征] 19

(5)选择主成分个数 20

致 谢 22


表1 原始数据 10

表2 相关性表 11

表3 解释的总方差 13

表4 成分矩阵 14

表5 旋转成分矩阵 14

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