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朴素贝叶斯分类器对含暴力网络评论的甄别 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文翻译及原文+Python代码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  




Discrimination of Violent Network Comments by Naive Bayesian Classifier

【Abstract】In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, the Internet has become very popular. The public can master instant information, comment on state affairs and hot news and express their own views through the Internet. However, due to the uneven quality of Internet users, network violence often occurs, which has a great negative impact on the parties. Identification of these comments can effectively reduce network violence and establish a clean and safe network environment. General network violence screening technology is based on the frequency of violent words. However, with the popularity of network language and the explosion of network comment data, traditional network violence screening technology needs to spend a lot of search time, and the accuracy that can be achieved is not very high, which often leads to misjudgment. Therefore, this paper proposes a network violence classifier based on Naive Bayes, and gives all the steps of building the model, including the collection of original data, text preprocessing: punctuation deletion, emoticon deletion, word segmentation, vocabulary generation, loose representation of converted word vector, construction and prediction of classifier. Finally, according to the established model, we get the word vector for classification. The experimental results show that the network violence classifier based on Naive Bayes can greatly shorten the time required for classification and has a convincing accuracy.

【Key Words】network violence, naive Bayes, loose representation, accuracy rate


表4.1 定义去除的中文符号、数字、英文符号以及表情

表4.2 文本清洗例子

表4.3 三种不同模式的对比

表4.4 词典稀疏表示

表5.1 各比较实验参数设置

表5.2 各比较实验结果

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