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船模拖曳系统升降架转动装置设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





The ship model towing system is the key equipment for the surface and underwater towing test of the ship model. Its main function is to tow the test model according to the set depth and set speed, test the various performance parameters of the ship die, and provide technical support for the design of the ship and underwater vehicle. The towing system can realize the uniform speed, acceleration and deceleration of the subject model at different water depths. The depth and speed of the navigation are adjusted by the control system, and at the same time, it can conduct the towing test on different sizes of ship models. This paper focuses on the design scheme of "lift frame rotating device of ship model towing system". The total length of the lifting frame is 10m, and the mass is 5 tons, and the mass distribution is basically uniform along the length direction.

The design requirements include: the lift frame can be turned to the horizontal position around the rotating fulcrum at the top of the lift frame under the action of the rotating device, allowing the deviation of the upper and lower 5, and can be reliably fixed with the gantry in the working position (vertical position) and horizontal position. The electric winch is installed on the upper plane of the gantry, and can extend in the horizontal direction, up to 3m away from the rotating fulcrum. In order to meet the interchangeability, a set of lifting frame rotating device is installed on the gantry at both ends of the sink. In this paper, the relevant technical knowledge is deeply studied and learned, and then puts forward the design scheme of the rotating lifting frame device, and after completing the design calculation, equipment and parts selection, the scheme is optimized and the technical drawing is drawn.

Key words: ship model towing system; lifting frame; rotating device; electric winch; design calculation;

目  录






1.4 设计方案选择

1.4.1 船模拖曳系统升降架转动装置方案介绍

1.4.2  转动机构的方案选择

2  船模拖曳系统升降架转动装置的总体设计

2.1  初定数值



2.2  铰点的确定

2.2.1  液压缸支撑点位置的确定

2.3  箱型梁的计算

2.4  悬臂梁上进、退钩液压缸的选择与计算

2.4.1  液压缸的安装方式

2.4.2  液压缸性能参数

2.5  接近开关的选择

3  船模拖曳系统升降架转动装置转动机构设计

3.1 回转支承的计算与选择

3.1.1  回转支承载荷计算

3.1.2  回转支承的结构形式

3.1.3  计算回转支承的当量载荷

3.2  减速机的计算与选择

3.3  减速齿轮的计算

3.3.1  选精度等级、材料及齿数

3.3.2  齿轮设计

3.3.3  几何尺寸计算

3.3.4  大齿轮结构参数

3.4  主传动轴的设计

3.4.1  轴的结构设计

3.4.2  校核轴的疲劳强度

3.5 轴承和键的选择

3.6  电气滑环




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