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Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus va
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

1. 文献信息:题目——发表期刊/会议名称——发表年份;

Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation--Machine Vision and Applications --2019

2. 摘要内容是什么?(要理解人家如何写摘要的)

There is a growing interest in computational approaches permitting accurate detection of nonverbal signs of depression and related symptoms (i.e., anxiety and distress) that may serve as minimally intrusive means of monitoring illness progression. The aim of the present work was to develop a methodology for detecting such signs and to evaluate its generalizability and clinical specificity for detecting signs of depression and anxiety. Our approach focused on dynamic descriptors of facial expressions, employing motion history image, combined with appearance-based feature extraction algorithms (local binary patterns,histogram of oriented gradients), and visual geometry group features derived using deep learning networks through transfer learning. The relative performance of various alternative feature description and extraction techniques was first evaluated on a novel dataset comprising patients with a clinical diagnosis of depression (n = 20) and healthy volunteers (n = 45). Among various schemes involving depression measures as outcomes, best performance was obtained for continuous assessment of depression severity (as opposed to binary classification of patients and healthy volunteers). Comparable performance was achieved on a benchmark dataset, the audio/visual emotion challenge (AVEC’14). Regarding clinical specificity, results indicated that the proposed methodology was more accurate in detecting visual signs associated with self-reported anxiety symptoms. Findings are discussed in relation to clinical and technical limitations and future improvements.

3. 拟解决的问题(Motivation)

Limited continuous monitoring of persons at risk (e.g., individuals with a history of mental illness or suffering from chronic, debilitating physical diseases) is one of the factors contributing to the high rate of underdiagnosed depressive episodes [5].


4. 解决方法(Method)

Our approach focused on dynamic descriptors of facial expressions,

employing motion history image, combined with appearance-based feature extraction algorithms (local binary patterns, histogram of oriented gradients), and visual geometry group features derived using deep learning networks through transfer learning. The relative performance of various alternative feature description and extraction techniques was first evaluated on a novel dataset comprising patients with a clinical diagnosis of depression (n = 20) and healthy volunteers (n = 45). Among various schemes involving depression measures as outcomes, best performance was obtained for continuous assessment of depression severity (as opposed to binary classification of patients and healthy volunteers). Comparable performance was

achieved on a benchmark dataset, the audio/visual emotion challenge (AVEC’14).

我们的方法集中于面部表情的动态描述符,利用运动历史图像,结合基于外观的特征提取算法(局部二值模式,方向梯度直方图),以及通过迁移学习的深度学习网络获得的视觉几何组特征。各种替代特征描述和提取技术的相对性能首先在一个新的数据集上进行评估,该数据集包括临床诊断为抑郁症的患者(n = 20)和健康志愿者(n = 45)。在各种涉及抑郁措施作为结果的方案中,持续评估抑郁严重程度获得了最佳表现(相对于患者和健康志愿者的二元分类)。在一个基准数据集,音频/视觉情感挑战(AVEC’14)上取得了可比性的表现。

5. 实验结果及分析 (Results)



The study included two groups of participants: healthy volunteers (n = 45) aged 20–65 years without history of mental or neurological disorder, and patients suffering from MDD as diagnosed by their treating psychiatrists at the Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, University Hospital of Heraklion (n = 20).


This took place prior to the description of positive experience/joy clip and, again, prior to the description of negative experience/sadness clip. Specifically, in the beginning of the protocol (c.f. Table 2 task #4) the participants were instructed by the research assistant on how to breathe in order to relax, while their heart rate and peripheral Blood V olume Pulse (BVP) were monitored through photoplethysmography using a NeXus-10 device (Mind Media, Netherlands). Participants were offered a second guided relaxation session immediately following the “Joy” video clip (Task #8 in Table2) to help them resume baseline levels of emotional and psychophysiological states (i.e., as recorded at the beginning of the experimental session). This was ensured by monitoring BVP on the Nexus-10 device during the breathing exercise. Facial video data used in the present study originated from steps 7–8 and 11–13 of the study protocol, shown in bold. The total duration of the experiment ranged from 60–90 min. A Point Grey Grasshopper®3 camera was employed to record high-resolution video at a high frame-rate. Camera settings were set to permit future assessment of the impact of recording quality on the algorithm efficiency. Benchmark tests showed that 80 frames per second (fps) and a resolution of 1920 × 1920 pixels was the maximum configuration that the available PC could support. Indirect lighting was applied totheparticipant’s facetoensureuniformfacialillumination and minimize shadows.

具体地说,在协议的开头(c.f.。表2任务#4)研究助理指导参与者如何呼吸以放松,同时使用Nexus-10设备(Mind Media,荷兰)通过光体积描记仪监测他们的心率和外周血液容积脉搏(BVP)。参与者在“快乐”视频剪辑(表2中的任务#8)之后立即接受第二次有指导的放松课程,以帮助他们恢复情绪和心理生理状态的基线水平(即,在实验课程开始时记录的)。这是通过在呼吸练习期间监测Nexus-10设备上的BVP来确保的。本研究中使用的面部视频数据来自研究方案的步骤7-8和11-13,以粗体显示。实验总时间为60~90min。使用Point Grey Grasshop®3摄像机以高帧率录制高分辨率视频。摄像机设置被设置为允许将来评估记录质量对算法效率的影响。基准测试显示,80帧/秒(Fps)和1920×1920像素的分辨率是可用的PC所能支持的最大配置。间接照明应用于参与者的面部,以确保面部照明均匀,并最大限度地减少阴影。

6. 总结/结论(Conclusions)


7. 还存在什么问题(Inspirations)

一般文章结尾处(conclusions and future work或discussion)可以找这个。


For instance, a recent report of depression severity prediction using the Pittsburgh dataset relied on serial video recordings [56] whereas a single measurement was available in the current study. In other reports deep learning was employed for both algorithm training and tuning comparing [13,16] whereas in the current work this technique was used solely for feature extraction.


It should be noted, however, that best results (prediction of STAI or BDI-II scores) were obtained with video recordings fromtheneutral,passage-readingtaskingender-independent mode. As shown in the Bland-Altman plot of Fig. 8, t h e m o s t notable failure involved underestimation of STAI scores, given the higher associated clinical risk. Among the four patients in this category, two suffered from severe depression and were treated with high doses of anti-depressants, which may have affected the dynamics of facial expressions. Another patient spoke Greek as a second language and experienced some difficulty in reading the text, while the fourth patient also experienced some difficulty in reading due to reduced visual acuity. Clinicaldiagnosisofdepressiondidnotemergeasarobust out come variable in binary classification schemes .In part this findingmaybeattributedtotheconsiderableoverlapbetween the two study groups on self-reported depression symptomatology (BDI-II scores) and expert-rated facial signs of depression as shown in Fig. 6. The fact that the patients were


8. 写作有什么特点:









几乎没有开放的数据集可用于支持新技术解决方案的开发,例如A VEC‘13-’141和DAIC-WOZ2数据集,它们是作为视听情绪挑战(A VEC)的抑郁识别子挑战(DSC)的一部分推出的。



The A VEC dataset is suitable for assessing the generalizability of novel algorithms and analysis pipelines across cultures as it includes a range of video recording contexts and settings.

A VEC数据集适合于评估新算法和跨文化分析管道的通用性,因为它包括一系列视频录制上下文和设置。

The present study is addressing four specificaims.Firstly, to describe the development of a novel dataset comprising multimodal recordings from patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and healthy volunteers. Data were obtained on a variety of experimental settings (including emotionally and cognitively neutral conditions and emotionally stimulating social and non-social contexts).


The generalizability of the developed method was tested on the A VEC’14 dataset, comprising 300 video recordings from 83 participants obtained in the context of two conditions which are very similar to tasks used in the present study, namely reading a neutral text passage and completing a question-and-answer session with the experimenter.

在A VEC‘14数据集上测试了该方法的概括性,该数据集包括83名参与者的300段视频记录,这些视频记录是在两个与本研究中使用的任务非常相似的条件下获得的,即阅读中性文本段落和完成与实验者的问答环节。

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