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基于10kV配电网线损的仿真计算 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+MATLAB模型文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  





关键词 10kV配电网;Matlab/Simulink;仿真模型;仿真分析


10kV distribution network is an important part of power system, and its line loss problem is directly related to the economic operation and energy utilization efficiency of power system. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the simulation calculation of the 10kV distribution network line loss to improve the operation efficiency and economic benefit of the power system. The introduction of distributed power supply has an impact on the line loss of the distribution network, so it is necessary to study the mechanism and law of its influence on the line loss to provide theoretical support for reducing the line loss. Matlab The software is widely used in the simulation calculation of power system. By building a mathematical model, it can easily simulate the operation state of the distribution network and the access situation of distributed power supply, providing an effective tool for line loss calculation.

The topic of this paper is based on the simulation calculation of the line loss of 10kV distribution network, studying the actual development status of the current distribution network, analyzing the impact of the introduction of distributed power supply on the line loss of the distribution network, and building a mathematical model through Matlab software to complete the access of distributed power supply, calculate the network loss, propose problems and effective loss reduction measures.

Based on the simulation calculation of line loss of 10kV distribution network, this paper discusses the actual development status of the current distribution network, and introduces the theoretical calculation basis of line loss of distribution network. By analyzing the impact of the introduction of distributed power supply on the distribution network line loss, we establish a mathematical model based on Matlab, simulate the process of distributed power supply access to the distribution network, and calculate the network loss. In view of the problems found, we propose a series of effective loss reduction measures. The main tasks of this paper include establishing a mathematical model of the 10kV distribution network to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the line loss reduction.

Keywords The 10kV power distribution network; Matlab/Simulink; simulation model; simulation analysis


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论

1.1 10kV配电网

1.2 10kV配电网的历史

1.3 10kV配电网的特点

1.4 我国10kV配电网的现状

1.5 10kV配电网输电技术的发展前景

第2章 10kV配电网输电控制基本原理

2.1 10kV配电网输电控制系统分层结构

2.2 10kV配电网输电控制原理

2.3 10kV配电网输电控制方式

2.3.1 换流器触发控制

2.3.2 换流变压器控制

2.4 10kV配电网输电控制系统基本组成

2.4.1 换流器出发控制基本组成

2.4.2 换流变压器分接头控制基本组成

第3章 10kV配电网输电基本构成和工作原理

3.1 直流输电系统的构成方式

3.1.1 单极系统

3.1.2 双极系统

3.1.3 背靠背直流系统

3.2 10kV配电网输电的基本结构与工作原理

3.2.1 10kV配电网进本结构与工作原理

3.2.2 基于晶闸管的12脉动换流单元

第4章 10kV配电网输电仿真模型的建立与结果分析

4.1 10kV配电网输电仿真模型的建立

4.1.1 线路的参数

4.1.2 整流环节简介

4.1.3 逆变环节简介

4.1.4 滤波器子系统简介

4.2 仿真结果分析

4.2.1 稳态系统波形

4.2.2 直流线路故障

4.2.3 逆变侧单相接地故障

4.2.4 逆变侧两相接地故障

4.2.5 逆变侧两相短路故障

4.2.6 逆变侧三相短路故障




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