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Design of General and Rear Headstock of Modular Machine Tool for Enlarging Holes on Cylinder Body

Abstract:This subject comes from Jianghuai power group, engine cylinder block is the one of the products of mass production in Jianghuai. This issue is the design of aggregated machine tool surface for enlargingsix holes on two-side of cylinder diesel,The aggregatedmachine tool is used to enlarge6 holes, which are on the left and right surfaces.    

The important point of this topic is the system design and the right headstock design. In the first part includes the definite of the aggregated machine tool, the selecting of the structure plan and the drawing of “three pictures and one card”. The right headstock design includes drawing the primitive basic chart for the headstock, determining the system, drawing the headstock assembly drawing and thepart processing chart.Conducting modular machine to system design,first engine cylinder block’sleft and right surface enlarging 6 holes accuracy of the location, surface roughness, and other technical requirements,develop overall program.The headstock is a product which needs maspindle and the gears, completing the power computation, designing the transmission s production. Headstock in the design, the design is the main ideas from the original multi-channel process to the processing of porous single hole while processing, this design is mainly to solve the fixture by the time the positioning error caused the problems to ensure the accuracy of the location of holes.

This aggregated machine tool for enlarging holes on cylinder body design comes from Jianghuai power group. This design has much actual meaning and value.

Key word:Aggregated machine tool; Part manufacturing;Right headstock design


1绪论 1

1.1组合机床的特点分析 1

1.2组合机床的加工范围 1

1.3组合机床适用的零件工艺范围和加工精度要求 1

1.4组合机床的经济分析和发展趋势 2

2组合机床的总体方案设计 3

2.1 加工工艺方案的拟定 3

2.1.1工艺方案拟定的原则 3

2.1.2被加工零件的特点分析 3

2.2 零件加工工艺的确定 3

3绘制三图一卡 5

3.1加工工序图 5

3.2 加工示意图 5

3.2.1刀具的选择 5

3.2.2导向套的选择 6

3.2.3确定导向套距离端面的距离 6

3.2.4计算切削力、切削扭矩及切削功率 6

3.2.5确定工作行程长度 7

3.3 机床联系尺寸图 7

3.3.1动力箱、电动机、动力滑台及与其所配套的附件选择 8

3.3.2组合机床的其他尺寸的确定 8

3.3.3 组合机床的联系尺寸简图 9

3.4生产率计算卡 9

3.4.1理想生产率Q 10

3.4.2实际生产率 10

3.4.3机床负荷率 10

3.4.4生产率计算卡的绘制 11

4 主轴箱的设计 12

4.1 主轴箱的简单介绍 12

4.2 主轴箱的原始依据图的设计 12

4.3主轴、齿轮及动力运算 13

4.3.1主轴的型式、直径、齿轮的齿数的设计 13

4.3.2主轴箱的动力计算 14

4.4主轴箱的传动设计 15

4.4.1拟定传动轴 15

4.4.2传动零件的校核 16

4.4.3主轴箱的坐标计算 17

4.5传动系统的设计与计算 18

4.5.1齿轮参数的计算 19

4.5.2轴径尺寸的确定 19

4.5.3齿轮、轴径和轴承的校核计算 19

4.6绘制右主轴箱的总装配图和零件图 21

4.6.1主轴箱的总装配图的设计 21

4.6.2主轴箱的零件图设计 21

5 结论 23

参考文献 24




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