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rline; text-underline: single;'>   97

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附录三 实习报告 119








【关键词】: 预应力混凝土连续刚构桥;悬臂施工;内力分析;




Design is a prestressing concrete continuing steel bridge, with the total length of 245m of the highwayspans are 65m, 115m, and 65m respectively, the form of the section is single-box single-roomand the piers are flexible double think-wall The standard of the loads is highway one car loads. The main beam of the bridge is constructed symmetrically by Hanging Basket cantilever Because of the time constraint, the design doesn’t contain the lower structure (piers and foundations), horizontal prestressing and vertical prestressing. According to the different position of the live loads, the section of this continuing steel bridge may have positive  structural forces and negative  structural forcestherefore, the arrangement of the prestressing reinforcement should vary in accordance with the change of structural forces. The continuing steel bridge is a combination of continuing beam and double think-wall piers (flexible), and it also changes the structure’s stress compatibility under the level of loads.

      Design is made on the basis of lots of real projects case, so it gives a detailed analysis and study of the structure. The  cross section is in form of  single-box single-room , the height of the beam changes according to the cross-section parabolic from the supports the maximal height is 5.8m to  the inter - Main beamheight of 2.5m, and the thick of the Roof is 22cm. In order to alleviate the difficulties of construction, the thick of the bottom ,combined with the stress feature of continuing steel bridge, changes in linear, reducing from the supports to the  inter - Main beam, the thick of the supports is 0.7m and the inter - Main beam is 0.4m. Upon the basis of the section design, making an analysis of internal forces of the structure by BSASevaluate the amounts of the reinforcement and arrange them accordingly, then check the capability of the main controlling section. Drawingthe structural construction plan, including the arrangement plan of the bridge span, the procedure of construction, etc. then translate them into English ,finally make the design illustration and Microsoft Word.

Key words: prestressing concrete continuing steel bridge;   cantilever construction;    analysis of internal forces;     prestressing lose;    secondary internal forces

1   1

1.1 设计特点 1

1.2 受力特点 2

1.3 构造特点 2

1.3.1 零号块 2

1.3.2 横隔板 3

1.3.3 合拢段 3

2  桥跨总体布置及结构主要尺寸 4

2.1  桥跨结构图式及尺寸拟定 4

2.1.1 设计技术标准: 4

2.1.2 结构图式 4

2.1.3 主要尺寸拟定 5

2.2  主梁分段与施工阶段的划分 6

2.2.1 分段原则 6

2.2.2 具体分段 6

2.2.3 施工阶段的划分 6

3  荷载内力计算 8

3.1  恒载内力计算 8

3.1.1 计算方法 8

3.1.2 计算结果 9

3.2  活载内力计算 17

3.2.1 横向分布系数的考虑 18

3.2.2 活载因子的计算 18

3.2.3  设计结果 18

4 预应力钢束的估算与布置 30

4.1 预应力筋的估算 30

4.1.1 预应力筋的估算方法 30

4.1.2 预应力筋的估算 34

4.1.3  预应力钢束的布置 39

4.1.4 截面特性计算 41


5  预应力损失及有效预应力计算 43

5.1 预应力钢筋与管道之间摩擦损失 43

5.2 锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩损失 48

5.3 弹性压缩损失 52

5.4 钢筋松驰引起的应力损失 55

5.5 混凝土收缩和徐变引起的预应力损失 56

5.6 有效预应力值 58

6 次内力计算及内力组合 59

 6.1 自重徐变次内力计算 59

6.2 预加力徐变次内力计算 64

6.3 温度次内力计算 67

6.4 墩台支座不均匀沉降次内力计算 71

6.5 预加力引起的二次力矩计算 73


7 截面验算 76

7.1  内力组合 76

7.1.1  荷载和荷载效应 76

7.1.2  内力组合 76

7.2  承载力极限状态验算 76

7.2.1  基本理论 81

7.2.2  截面验算 82

7.3 正常使用极限状态验算 83

7.3.1  使用阶段应力验算 90

7.3.2 变形验算 91

8.1  混凝土总用量计算 93

8.1.1  梁体混凝土(C50)用量计算 93

8.1.2  桥面铺装混凝土用量计算 94

8.2  钢绞线及锚具总用量计算 94

总结与讨论 96


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