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This graduation program involves common sense of plastic injection molds. Analysis of structural process of plastic parts, affirmation of molding process parameters, plan of parting surface, determination of the number of die cavities, separation and structure of cavity, choice of injection molding machine, choice of gate position and arrangement of runner, The structure plan and practice calculation of the whole machine, the plan of lateral parting and core-pulling mechanism, the plan of launching mechanism, the plan of exhaust method, the affirmation of all dimensions of die, the choice of die frame, the checking of the size of die device; Then draw up the plan copy. Through the process, this plan will build a certain resume for future events, especially in three dimensions Mapping, data analysis, the ability to analyze the results, and the learning and application of common sense ability.

(1) the plastic parts are of small size and of the same normal precision grade. Plastic mould of medium difficulty. It includes the basic structure of the mould, including one outside core pulling, five inner core pulling (the basic size and structure of the five inner core pulling are the same).

(2) adopt side gate to satisfy the outside quality request and improve molding effect of finished product.

(3) in order to save money and facilitate processing and heat disposal, the cavity and core adopt the whole mosaic structure.

(4) the viscosity of ABS increases when it is heated up, so it is necessary to have a slightly larger angle of demoulding on the molded parts because the molding pressure is relatively high. The ABS is easy to absorb water, and the dry disposal should be stopped before the molding process. ABS is prone to weld marks. The mold plan should pay attention to reduce the resistance of the pouring system to the material flow, avoid and reduce the weld mark in the gate position; in the abnormal forming condition, the wall thickness and the melting material temperature have little effect on the compression ratio. Mold temperature should be controlled between 60 °and 80 °.

Keywords: plastic mould; parameterization; insert; parting surface; molding; ABS



前言 1

第一章     2

1.1 模具介绍 2

1.2 模具在加工工业中的地位 2

1.3 模具的发展趋势 2

1.4 设计在学习模具专业中的作用 4

第二章  产品三维造型及MOLDFLOW分析 5

2.1产品三维造型 5

2.2 CAE介绍 6

2.3 CAE分析 8

3章  塑件材料及工艺性 11

3.1 材料分析 11

3.2 工艺分析 11

3.3 制件的成型方法及参数 11

3.4 确定型腔数目 12

4章  浇注系统的设计 13

4.1制件在模具中的位置 13

4.2 确定浇口形式及位置 13

4.3 主流道的设计 14

4.4 分流道设计 15

4.5 冷料穴设计 16

5章  成型零部件的设计 17

5.1  成型零部件的结构设计 17

5.2  成型零部件工作尺寸计算 18

5.3  成型零部件的强度与刚度计算 19

6章  结构零部件的设计 20

6.1  选用标准注射模架 20

6.2  定模板与动模板的设计 22

6.3  合模导向机构的设计 23

第七章 推出及抽芯机构的设计 24

7.1  推出机构设计 24

7.2  外侧抽芯机构设计 25

7.3  内侧抽芯机构设计 25

第八章  模具的工作原理 29



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