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Hydraulic energy storage in sea is the kinetic energy of sea water flow, and its variation is regular, predictable and so on.The reason is the horizontal movement of the surface water caused by the relative position of the sun, the earth and the moon and the rotation of the earth.We have chosen the relatively low development cost and the high feasibility of development and utilization of the marine hydraulic energy storage as the research object, but the utilization of the sea hydraulic energy storage is a new topic in our country as well as in the world.There are many islands, outposts and villages in the remote and coastal areas of our country that cannot be covered by power grids. Electricity and fresh water supply there has always been a problem.If you can take advantage of the daily continuous water storage in the sea Providing electricity and preparing fresh water is the most realistic way to improve living conditions there.The use of hydraulic energy storage in the sea requires the whole power generation device to be immersed in sea water. The working environment of the hydraulic storage power generation device in the sea determines the difficulties it faces.Therefore, a new type of current power generation device is envisaged and a model is developed to solve these problems.

The traditional pumped storage power station needs the reservoir to set up, the request to the location is extremely high, the landscape is indispensable.Since most of the sites suitable for the construction of pumped storage power stations are hilly areas, these sites are often not suitable for the construction of renewable energy power plants such as wind and solar energy.This means that wind and solar power plants most in need of storage capacity because of their intermittent nature cannot use "hydraulic" batteries to increase the sustainability of their power generation.In order to expand the site selection range of pumped storage technology, energy storage in the sea is a new idea.

In this paper, the hydraulic energy storage device in the sea is designed. It is proposed to use 5 megawatt hydrogenerator. Each main generator can generate power continuously for up to 4 hours.Each can store 20 megawatts of electricity.More than 80 energy storage balls are connected in parallel, and the total energy storage effect affects the power grid effectively.


Key words: hydraulic energy storage in the sea; current simulation test; hydraulic storage power generation device in the sea



1. 绪论 3

1.1研究背景及意义 4

1.1.1 研究背景 4

1.1.2研究意义 4

1.2 国内外研究现状 5

1.3研究主要内容 8

1.3.1设计思路 8

1.3.2拟解决的主要问题 9

1.4 小结 9

2. 海中液压蓄能发电装置的工作原理及基本结构 10

2.1  海中液压蓄能发电装置的功能单元的划分 10

2.2  海中液压蓄能发电装置的工作原理 11

2.3  海中液压蓄能发电装置的基本结构 13

2.3.1 叶轮 14

2.3.2 轮毂 14

2.3.3  主轴 14

2.3.4  齿轮箱 15

2.3.5  发电机 15

2.3.6  密封系统 15

2.3.7  对流装置 16

2.3.8  塔架 16

3.海中液压蓄能发电装置要零件的设计计算 17

3.1 海中液压蓄能发电装置总体设计方案 17

3.5 塔架设计 21

3.6 密封系统的设计 22

3.7 制动系统的设计 22

3.8 主梁载荷计算及强度校核 22

3.8.1 流体动力载荷 23

3.8.2 重力载荷 24

3.8.3离心力载荷 25

3.8.4 主梁的强度校核 26

总结 27

致谢 27

参考文献 28

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