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毕业设计主要包括招标文件一份标底文件一份;毕业设计说明书一份;四张A2 CAD绘图,一篇相关专题论文——《对工程招标中存在问题的思考》(不少于3500个字),专题论文主要论述了建设工程项目招投标过程中存在诸多问题;英文翻译一篇——《浅谈混凝土的施工过程中温度与裂缝控制》;现已按照任务书要求完成各项工作。



 This graduate design is compiled as a bid document. According to making use of four years’ specialty knowledge, the graduate design is completed under the efforts for almost 16 weeks. It relates to the tender document design for the project of the building 21# in the north new houses on the south of city , which is a six-story frame structure. The area of the project is about3406.56square meters. The work period is about 240 days.

The engineering budge is completed on the basis of calculating the quantity of the project. Then, use some useful rations. Meanwhile, as using the software to calculate, the quality and veracity of the budget are improved.

  The graduate design mainly includes a tender document; a tender price document; a graduate design specification; four pieces of A2 drawings; a thesis relating to this graduate design ——《The tendering procedures of the problems in thinking(not less than 3,500 words).The special essay mainly discusses many problem in the biding ; a piece of English translation——Discuss the construction temperature and crack of the concrete lightly . Now I have finished all of the work demanded by the specification for the task.

Keywords:   tender document ,  tender price ,  thesis



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