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摘  要


本设计的两期设计规模是10.0万m3/d,以地表水为水源。采用的给水系统为:原水→管式静态混合器→机械搅拌澄清池→虹吸滤池→清水池→二级泵房。选用碱式氯化铝混凝剂,液氯为消毒剂。水厂出水水质要求达到《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2006) 。



The main task of this design is the technological design of Tianjin jinnan water supply plant, the preliminary part of this design. The key elements of this design include determining the plant size, water supply system, water supply schemes, water engineering, water distribution network with the calculation and adjustment, water treatment plant design, the secondary pumping station design, the plant’s plain layout , the plant’s altitude layout and the greening. Design information from design documents, design specification and design of the book is composed of three parts calculation.

This design is the size of the two    design of 100,000 m3 / d, for the water to groundwater. Used for water supply system: the source of the water →static mixer→  mechanical roaster clarification tank→ siphon strainer→ clean water tank→ secondary pumping stations→ City pipeline. Selection of coagulant aluminum sulfate, liquid chlorine as disinfectant. Water plant to meet water quality requirements, "Drinking Water Health Standards" (2006).

Keywords : static mixer, mechanical roaster clarification tank, clean water tank,

目    录




第一章  设计原始资料

1.1 城市概况

1.2 自然条件

1.3 设计水量出水水质及水压的要求

1.4 工程设计

第二章  总体规划和方案论证

2.1 水源论证


第三章  工程方案内容

3.1 设计原则

3.2 工程项目规模及内容

第四章  净水厂

4.1  取水构筑物

4.2  混凝

4.3  澄清池

4.4  过滤

4.6  吸水井

4.7  送水泵站(二级泵站)

4.8  加药加氯间

第五章  净水厂总体布置

5.1  净水厂的流程及平面布置

5.2  附属建筑物

5.3  净水厂绿化与道路

第七章  参考资料

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