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摘  要



从而我使用Visual Studio Code作为工具,基于HTML5+CSS3+JSD等技术下,针对这些需要了解制药公司作用及加入方式,我研发了一个制药公司网页,其中包含了“公司介绍”“产品中心”“疾病领域”“新闻咨询”“服务中心”“联系我们”这六大功能模块,从而展示了公司的公司简介、企业文化、研究方向、药品信息、涉及领域、学术影响、招聘信息等全方面信息,使人们可以详细了解一个制药公司带来的影响和作用,并且如何加入制药公司。该网站适用于制药网站进行宣传、收集反馈和招聘人才提供了帮助。


Based on HTML medical front end interface


"Novel coronavirus" this one disturb the world "tempest" arrival, this one come all of a sudden "tempest" let Chinese people even whole world people for a time unprepared, be immersed in panic for a time in the middle. But the Chinese people and the rest of the world did not "succumb" to this, but rose up and fought against the "sly virus" and won.

However, this outbreak also shows the importance of drug research and development, only the right drugs to fight the disease, to win the "war" without gunsmoke. But in the current environment, there are very few articles about pharmaceutical company introductions. When it comes to medical personnel, people can only think of those on the front lines, and the people behind the scenes who do drug research know very little. There is no place to understand the role of pharmaceutical companies and the social help they bring, just as a research institute. It makes people wonder why there are drug companies.

So I use the Visual Studio Code as a tool, based on HTML + CSS 3 + JSD technology, such as for the need to understand the pharmaceutical company and join the way, I have developed a pharmaceutical company website, which contains the "company introduction" "product center" "disease" consultation "news" "service center" "contact us" the six major functional modules, which shows the company profile, enterprise culture, the research direction of the company, drug information, involving areas, academic impact, recruitment information, and all aspects of information, It allows people to understand in detail the impact and role of a pharmaceutical company and how to join a pharmaceutical company. The site is suitable for pharmaceutical websites to promote, collect feedback and provide help in recruiting talent.

Key words: HTML; Web site;medical; recruitment

目  录

前  言

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景

1.2 国内外发展现状 2

1.3 研究内容与创新所在 6

1.3.1 研究内容 6

1.3.2 研究方法 7

1.3.3 创新所在 7

第2章 相关技术简介 8

2.1 HTML5技术简介 8

2.2 CSS技术简介 8

2.3 JavaScript技术简介 9

第3章 网站的开发工具 10

3.1 HTML5的特性及优势 10

3.1.1 媒体承载方式多样 10

3.1.2 应用程序接口丰富 10

3.1.3 新增作画特定工具 11

3.2 CSS3的特点与优势 11

3.2.1 渐变 11

3.2.2 动画 11

3.2.3 边框 11

3.2.3 色彩 11

第4章 网站的需求分析 12

4.1 网站实现目标 12

4.2 性能需求分析 12

4.3 功能需求分析 12

4.3.1 产品展示及购买功能 12

4.3.2 品牌内涵功能 13

4.3.3 获取资讯功能 13

4.3.4 超链接跳转功能 13

4.3.5 评论建议功能 13

第5章 网站的设计方案 14

5.1 整体设计流程 14

5.2 网站模块设计 14

5.2.1 主页布局 15

5.2.2 导购布局 16

5.2.3 商品详情布局 17

第6章 网站的具体实现 18

6.1网站首页的实现 18

6.2商品搜索模块的实现 18

6.3潮流资讯模块的实现 19

6.4联系与建议模块的实现 19

第7章 网站的测试与维护 20

7.1网站的测试 20

7.2网站的维护 20

结  论 22

致  谢 23

参考文献 24

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