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某车间生产现场的改善研究 毕业论文+任务书+评阅意见+答辩记录及评定书
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要





Y machinery company was founded in 2003. At first, it mainly processes electrical parts, but under the influence of the rapid development of China's manufacturing industry, the company's products have gradually moved from small batch and single variety to large batch and multi variety. At present, the main business of the company is box processing and electrical equipment. With the advent of the information age, more and more product information has entered the eyes of consumers. With the huge changes in customer demand, enterprises need to reduce the price of products while pursuing high-quality products. So how to save manufacturing costs has become the key factor for sustainable development of enterprises.

Under the background of the continuous development of manufacturing industry, fierce industry competition will inevitably lead to the survival of the fittest. Therefore, the logistics situation of manufacturing enterprises, the comprehensive quality of employees, the product quality and efficiency of enterprises and so on are all key factors. This paper studies the workshop site of Y company as the research object, and studies the unreasonable layout of the workshop site of Y company and the low efficiency of material handling; The traditional layout is studied by using SLP method, and the improved layout scheme is obtained. By improving the layout of the workshop site, the logistics cost in the production process can be reduced, so that enterprises can improve the productivity of industrial enterprises in the market competition, control the manufacturing cost, and realize lean production and intelligent manufacturing.

Key  words:Workshop site; Site layout; SLP method

目 录

摘 要

Abstract II

第1章 绪  论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究的目的与意义

1.3 设计研究现状

1.4 本设计研究思路

第2章 车间现场分析的理论及方法

2.1 车间现场设施规划理论基础

2.2 SLP基础理论

2.3 小结

第3章 Y机械公司车间调查与分析

3.1 制造产品信息

3.2 箱体加工生产现状

3.3 车间物流量分析

3.4 小结

第4章 基于SLP法对箱体车间布局优化

4.1 设施布置方式

4.2 物流量分析

4.3 作业单位关系分析

4.4 作业单位相互关系表

4.5 车间优化方案拟定

4.6 小结

结  论

参考文献 36

致  谢 38

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