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六层砌体结构住宅楼毕业设计 计算书+建筑结构cad图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
掌握多层住宅公寓建筑设计方法、步骤;妥善解决各部分的功能关系,满足其使用要求。结合地形,关注建筑与环境的关系,在平面布局和建筑形体设计时,考虑环境对建筑的影响,了解日照间距,建筑节能相关要求。对照《建筑设计防火规范》及《建筑内部装修设计防火规范》GB 50016-2014,在学习了解规范后按规范要求设计。 做好室内外环境设计,安排好建筑与场地、道路交通方面的关系,布置一定数量的停车位及绿化面积。立面设计:建筑风格、造型应富有创意,有地域特色及时代感。
This design is the building structure design of a foreign house in a residential area. This building is a unit residential building, with each unit equipped with an elevator and an evacuation elevator. The elevator is a barrier-free elevator and an elevator without a computer room.The first floor on the ground is for storage (it is strictly prohibited to store and use fire hazard for class A, B and C articles in the storage room), the construction area is 4039M2, and the standard layer height is 2.8m.
Master the design methods and steps of multi-storey residential apartment; properly solve the functional relationship of each part and meet its use requirements.Combined with the terrain, pay attention to the relationship between the building and the environment, in the plane layout and building body design, consider the impact of the environment on the building, understand the sunshine spacing, building energy saving related requirements.According to "Code for Building Fire Prevention Design" and "Code for Fire Prevention Design of Building Interior Decoration" GB 50016-2014, after learning the code, according to the requirements of the code design.Do a good job of indoor and outdoor environment design, arrange the relationship between the building and the site, road traffic, arrange a certain number of parking Spaces and green area.Elevation design: the architectural style and modeling should be creative, with regional characteristics and a sense of The Times.
Key words: residential; apartment; residential; foreign house; elevator; building; structure
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1 荷载统计 1
1.1恒、活荷载 1
1.1.1屋面荷载 1
1.1.2 楼面荷载 2
1.1.3 楼梯间楼面荷载 3
1.2 风荷载 4
2 基础设计 5
2.1 基础顶荷载标准值 5
2.2 基础荷载统计及截面设计 9
2.3 基础配筋计算 10
3 现浇楼板配筋计算 12
4 结构梁配筋计算 15
4.1 储藏室~五层 15
4.2 六层 19
5 墙体验算 25
5.1 高厚比验算 25
5.1.1储藏室 25
5.1.2 一~五层 26
5.1.3 六层 27
5.2 墙体受压计算 27
5.3 砌体局部受压计算 34
6 楼梯计算 36
6.1 楼梯板 36
6.2 平台板 36
6.3 平台梁 37
7 雨蓬计算: 39
7.1 雨蓬板 39
7.2 雨蓬梁 40
7.3 雨蓬的抗倾覆验算 41
8 抗震验算 43
总  结 47
致  谢 48
参考文献 49

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