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基于STM32无线环境检测系统设计 毕业论文+开题报告+altiumdesigned (ad10)原理图+keil 5 程序
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
Design of STM32 Wireless Environment Detection System
China takes electronic technology as an important basic technology in the 13th Five-Year Plan, which makes electronic technology enter the fast track development period. At this stage, many new control technologies, such as intelligent control to intelligent control, interconnection technology of all things to 5 G technology, have been popularized and applied in driverless technology, air separation medical technology, smart home and other industries. Especially, the integration of Internet technology into 5 G technology makes the system run faster, data transmission more stable and secure. In the 14th Five-Year Plan, electronic technology is raised to a higher level, and electronic technology will be used more widely in the future. In the real process and life, the ordinary physical control scheme can not meet the needs of science and technology, and is eliminated one by one. If the mature intelligent control scheme is adopted at the present stage, the technology development needs can be developed. The current wireless environment detection system can not meet the requirements in terms of reliability, security, convenience and easy maintenance of the product. Therefore, the use of intelligent controller to develop wireless environment detection system can solve the current problems of the product. This design system uses ST company MCU platform to study.
The design system adopts centralized control of central processor, in which central processor (MCU) develops wireless environment detection system with multi-core single chip microcomputer of ST company as the control center of the system, MCU consists of minimum peripheral circuit and power conversion circuit. Hardware includes input and output power conversion module, INPUT signal acquisition and processing module, output / execution mechanism module and signal transfer module. Software architecture includes software development environment, module running process and so on. After processing the external collected data into the MCU, the processed data is sent to the execution module, and finally the execution module outputs the required results.
  After the hardware module is built, the developed software is burned into the MCU, and the debugging platform verifies whether the design system meets the functional requirements one by one. The final design system meets the needs of this paper.
Keywords: MCU; hardware design; wireless environment detection; software flow
目  录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1智能无线环境检测系统研究意义 1
1.2智能无线环境检测控制系统发展趋势 2
1.3本系统主要研究方向 4
第2章 控制系统总体方案设计 5
2.1系统实现 5
2.2系统架构设计 5
2.3控制系统所用到关键技术 5
2.3.1单片机技术 5
2.3.2现代信号采集传感器网络技术 6
2.4本章总结 7
第3章 系统的硬件平台设计 8
3.1硬件系统组成框图设计 8
3.2控制中枢模块与外围辅助介绍 9
3.3信号采集与处理电路设计 11
3.3.1环境参数测电路设计 11
3.3.2无线WIFI模块通讯电路设计 12
3.3.3 LCD1602液晶屏显示电路设计 12
3.3.4温湿度采集电路设计 13
3.3.5无线WIFI模块通讯电路设计 14
3.3.6人体信号采集电路设计 15
3.4系统硬件原理图设计 15
3.5本章总结 15
第4章 系统软件平台设计 17
4.1控制中心开发流程 17
4.2控制系统工作流程 17
4.3系统信号采集与处理程序设计 18
4.3.1烟雾、甲醛和CO浓度传感器程序设计 18
4.3.2 WIFI模块驱动软件设计 19
4.4本章小结 19
第5章 系统调试与性能验证 21
5.1系统调试环境搭建 21
5.1.1系统环境搭建 21
5.1.2搭建测试环境注意事项 21
5.2系统整体测试结果分析 22
5.3本章小结 22
第6章 总结 24
致  谢 25
参考文献 26

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