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高效苹果采摘装置设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+cad图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要
苹果原产于欧洲中部和东南部、中亚、西亚和中国新疆。苹果是常见的水果之一。苹果树是属于蔷薇科的落叶乔木,叶子呈椭圆形、锯齿状。果实球形,味甜,脆脆,营养丰富,是世界四大水果之冠。苹果通常是红色的,但也有黄色和绿色的。苹果是一种低热量食物,每100 克只产生60 大卡热量。苹果中的营养成分被称为“矿泉水”,因为它们溶解度高,容易被人体吸收,并且溶解硫成分,使皮肤光滑柔软。
Apple is native to central and southeastern Europe, Central Asia, West Asia, and Xinjiang, China.Apple is one of the common fruits.The apple tree is deciduous trees belonging to the Rosaceae with oval, serrated leaves.Fruit spherical, sweet taste, crisp, rich in nutrition, is the crown of the world's four major fruits.Apple are usually red, but are also yellow and green.Apples are a low-calorie food that produces only 60 calories per 100 grams.The nutrients in apples are called "mineral water" because they have high solubility, are easily absorbed by the body, and dissolve sulfur, making the skin smooth and soft.
China is the world's largest apple producer and consumer, accounting for more than 40% of the world's apple planting area and output, playing an important position in the world's apple industry.The Apple consumer market is mainly composed of fresh fruits and processed products, with fresh food accounting for 90% and processed products accounting for about 10%.In order to ensure the quality of apples, timely harvest is the top priority of China's apple industry.The heavy picking workload and lack of labor make it timely picking more and more difficult.
Depending on the season, the picking is labor-intensive and expensive.Fruit picking is the most time-consuming and power-consuming link in the fruit production chain.Therefore, timely harvest of fruit and reducing the cost of harvest operation is an important way to increase agricultural income.Picking work is very complex. At present, the fruit picking work in China is basically completed manually, with the cost accounting for about 50-70% of the cost, and the time is relatively intensive.As an important agricultural machinery, the picker can reduce labor intensity and production costs, improve labor productivity and product quality, and harvest fruits in time, which has great development potential.
Key words: agricultural machinery; manipulator; delivery mechanism; apple; picker
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究的意义 1
1. 2本课题国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外果园采摘机械的发展现状 1
1.2.2我国苹果采摘机械发展现状 3
1.3本课题需要重点研究的关键的问题及解决的思路 3
1.3.1 研究的主要问题 3
1.3.2 解决思路 4
1.3.3具体方案 4
1.4完成本课题需要的工作条件及解决的办法 4
1.5 方案及进度计划 5
1.5.1 工作方案 5
1.5.2进度计划 5
2机械的总体设计 6
2.1苹果采摘机工作流程 7
2.2采摘机械采摘机械手的设计 7
2.2.1机械手手指指型设计 7
2.2.2机械手臂设计 9
2.3采摘机构动力传输设计 10
2.4电机的选择计算 10
2.4.1滑台纵向运动电机的选择 10
2.4.2机械手左右移动伺服电机的选择 12
2.5苹果采摘机械定位装置的设计 13
3苹果采摘机械动力控制机构的设计 14
3.1输送机构传动方式 14
3.2 V带传动的失效形式及设计准则 14
3.3 V带传动设计步骤和传动参数选择 15
3.4齿轮箱齿轮结构 16
3.4.1齿廓曲面的形成 16
3.4.2锥齿轮大端背锥、当量齿轮及当量齿数 17
4苹果采摘机械行走机构的选择 21
5苹果采摘机械输送装置的选择 22
5.1带式输送机 22
5.2 装筐输送机构 22
6部位仿真模拟分析 23
结  论 27
致  谢 28
参考文献 29

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