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废旧电缆剥皮机设计 说明书(论文)+人物苏+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要


关键词:线缆粉碎机  振动筛粗选  高压静电精选


In the shortage of resources under the new environment of making the recycling of waste materials show more necessary, for all kinds of scrap wire and cable, waste household appliances, such as cars after dismantling the old wire and plastic and other metal to the value of recycling. Scrap wire and cable recovery of copper wire of the traditional method of traditional is clean and not waste incineration which pollute the air processing the original, the cover of the rice mill is miscellaneous scrap copper wire recycling equipment, scrap wire and cable recycling equipment, also called copper wire separator, lu: su line separator separator or wire. By separating the bronze statue of grain of rice, so euphemistically called "copper meters machine". Manufacturing environment-friendly copper meters, complex line of environmental protection of waste recycling equipment, the miscellaneous line of waste, scrap copper wire, fine wool, copper plastic composite wire, aluminum wire, sheathed wire, through the proportion of coarse and fine crushing, in addition to iron, separation, electrostatic separation process, completely dry physical separation, the whole process to avoid the "fire to take copper", "gouache washing copper" bad for the environment, recycling method, realizes the double recycling and comprehensive utilization of plastic and metal. Configuration of electrostatic separator, the metal recovery rate is close to 100%, achieved basically no copper, copper in plastic in the plastic. Successful development of the machine, that is, to solve the problems arising from the burning method for copper, and can improve the quality of the recovery of copper, and plastic can be recycled, at the same time solve the environment pollution. At the same time, research and development of automatic copper scrap cable meter machine, easy to operate, a feeding machine to complete, can completely separate the copper and plastic, copper preserved the original color of the light, and achieve the goal of comprehensive utilization. No dust, no secondary pollution and high recycling economic benefits, and has a faster copper plastic recycling method.

Key words: Wire mill   Vibrating screen roughing

High voltage electrostatic collection   design

目  录

前言 1

第一章  绪 论 2

1.1废铜加工利用行业而面临的问题 2

1.2废电线电缆提取铜金属的工艺技术 2

1.2.1国内工艺技术与设备 3

1.2.2国外工艺技术与设备 4

1.2.3技术经济指标对比 6

1.2.4结论与建议 8

第二章  方案的选择 9

2.1总体方案的确定 9

2.1.1电线铜塑分离设备 9

2.1.2废电线电缆资源优化技术评析 10

2.1.3关于分离电线的一些方法专利 10

2.1.4具体如何实现废旧电缆的重复利用 12

第三章  废旧电缆的破碎 15

3.1废旧电缆的回收 15

3.1.1焚烧法 15

3.1.2剥皮机法 16

3.1.3低温破碎法 16

3.1.4机械破碎分选法 17

3.2破碎方案的确定 18

3.2.1辊压破碎原理 18

3.3破碎后的筛选 20

3.4废旧铜线的材料分离处理 22

第四章  高压静电分离 27

4.1静电分离原理 27

4.2静电分离的设备选择 27

4.3高压静电分离设备主要技术参数 29

4.4静电分离设备的安装 29

第五章  设计过程中的相关计算 30

5.1剪切原理 30

5.2影响单位抗力的因素 34

5.3震动筛的选择及相关计算 34

5.3.1ZGS重型振动筛原理和结构工作原理 35

5.3.2结构特点 35

5.3.3横梁的强度及刚度的校核 36

结论 40

致谢 42

参考文献 44

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