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随着社会的发展当今生活节奏越来越快,加上互联网技术为我们的生活提供很多便利。以前人们通信采用写信的方式,后来演变成电报,电话,现在使用互联网技术使得我们在通信、社交方面有较多的便利的形式。特别是近几年来手机的发展速度超乎想象。围绕着手机的应用铺天盖地般的袭来。可以说现在掉个手机就像掉个身份证一样麻烦。那么在这样的背景下,作为一个开发人员学习和掌握手机APP的开发是必不可少的了。而且在目前手机APP开发的方式也非常的灵活。主要的平台有: Android,IOS,Windows Phone.由于Android极高的开放性,降低了移动App开发的门槛,且Android市场份额非常高.再加之Html5技术出现,Web技术在手机APP方面可谓是大放光彩.再加上css3.0 媒体查询的支持使得用Web技术开发一个Web App 相当方便.目前很多应用都是Web提供数据支持,以及部分UI,快速开发移动APP.本项目的目的是为情侣提供一个留言即时通信,纪念日,记事本,时光轴等服务。便利情侣之前的事物处理。



Couple interaction Web+Android based on APP



With the development of society, the pace of life is more and more fast, and the Internet technology, to provide a lot of convenience for our life. Prior to the way people used to write letters, and later evolved into the telegraph, telephone, and now use the Internet technology makes us in the communication, social aspects of a more convenient form. Especially in recent years, the development speed of mobile phones beyond imagination. Around the phone's application overwhelming. It can be said that now a cell phone is like a card out of the identity of the trouble. So in this context, as a developer to learn and master the development of mobile phone APP is essential. And in the current way of APP development of mobile phone is also very flexible. The main platform: Android, IOS, Windows Phone. Due to the openness of the Android high, reducing the threshold of mobile app development, and Android Market share is very high. Coupled with HTML5 technology, web technology in mobile app can be described as is shine. Coupled with the support on css3.0 media queries that use Web technology to develop a web app is very convenient. At present many applications are web to provide data to support, and part of the UI, the rapid development of the mobile app. This project is for the couple to provide a message, instant messaging, anniversaries, Notepad, time axis service. The things to deal with before the couple.

Key words: html5, web, PHP, Android, JavaMysql



第一章 绪论 1

1.1 前景 1

1.2 互联网+的六个特点 1

第二章 相关技术介绍 2

2.1 PhpStorm 2

PhpStorm是一个轻量级且便捷的PHP IDE,其旨在提供用户效率,可深刻理解用户的编码,提供智能代码补全,快速导航以及即时错误检查。 2

2.1.1 智能PHP编辑器 2

2.1.2 Java Script 编辑器 2

2.1.3 HTML/CSS编辑器 2

2.2 Eclipse 2

2.3 Mysql数据库 2

2.3.1 系统特性 2

2.3.2 存储引擎 3

2.4 PHP 4

2.4.2 特性 4

2.4.3 优势 4

2.5 Java 5

2.5.1 组成 5

2.5.2 优势 5

2.6 其它相关技术 5

2.6.1 Html5 5

2.6.2 JavaScript 5

2.6.3 JSON 5

第三章 项目设计 7

3.1 需求分析 7

3.1.1 背景 7

3.1.2 模块 7

3.2 3.2 数据库设计 8

3.3 3.3 概要设计 9

第四章 项目运行截图 33

4.1 4.1 用户模块 33

4.2 4.2 留言板 35

4.3 4.3 即时聊天 36

4.4 4.4 发现 37

第五章 结论 39

谢辞 41

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